We list all that we can find by providing the program and application dates and links to applications. If we provide a * before the college name, the trip is free. If we provide a (D), trip is for first gen students. We also give you an estimated GPA and test scores for each college.
Bright Orange Means Fall 2024.
Bright blue means updated for Fall 2023.
Hot pink means Fall 2022.
*(D) Amherst College (2024, IP)Amherst, Massachusetts
Small private university; part of consortium, 3.7+ GPA ; mid to high test scores
Program: Fall 2024 Access to Amherst Program (A2A)
DATES: Saturday, September 38 – Monday, September 30
Deadline: Monday, August 11, 2024, 1 p.m. Eastern Time
Please respond to the following essay prompt in no more than 350 words. Write your response in another document and upload it below.
“We seek an Amherst made stronger because it includes those whose experiences can enhance our understanding of our nation and our world. We do so in the faith that our humanity is an identity forged from diversity, and that our different perspectives enrich our inquiry, deepen our knowledge, strengthen our community, and prepare students to engage with an ever-changing world.”
-Trustee Statement on Diversity and Community
Q: In what ways could your experiences enhance our understanding of our nation and our world?
[Please note that, should you eventually decide to apply for admission to Amherst College, you will have the option of using this A2A application essay in satisfaction of Amherst’s Writing Supplement requirement for your admission application to Amherst.]
Recommended Academic Writing Sample As Well.
*(D) Babson College (2024, IP) Babson Park, Massachusetts (suburban Boston)
Small private business-oriented college, 3.5+ GPA, mid-test scores
Program: Access Babson: A Virtual Introductory Experience for High School Seniors
Dates: Sunday, October 6 – Monday, October 7, 2024
Please plan to attend both sessions.
*Prologue to Bates is a highly selective program and will provide you with wonderful insight into the Bates community. What do you hope to gain from this experience? (Essay should be between 300 and 500 words)
*(D) Bowdoin College (2024, IP)
Brunswick, ME
Rural college, private, liberal arts. 3.2+ GPA and higher. Optional test scores.
This Explore Bowdoin information session is a 15-minute presentation will be followed by a live Q&A. Counselors, teachers, students and their families are all welcome to attend.
If you wish, you may share anything about the unique experiences and perspectives that you would bring with you to the Bowdoin campus and community or an experience you have had that required you to navigate across or through difference.
Why are you interested in participating in Explore Bowdoin? (100 words)
*(D) Bryn Mawr College (2024, IP)
Bryn Mawr, PA (Suburban PA)
Small, all women’s college
Program: Lantern Program Dates:Saturday, October 5- Monday, October 7, 2024
Taste of Carleton helps students from underrepresented groups experience our campus. Tell us more about your identities, background, or culture and how they’ve inspired you. (250 words max)
Taste of Carleton will allow you to explore your curiosity about Carleton’s academics and community. What about Carleton interests or excites you? (250 words max)
Optional: Tell us a bit more about yourself! You can write about anything! (250 words max)
(*D) Caltech (2024, IP)
Los Angeles, CA
Small private university, test optional, 3.9 average GPA
Program: Caltech Up Close 2024 (for kids interested in STEM fields)
Program Dates: October 12-15, 2024
Application Deadline: August 6, 2024 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time
Please indicate three extracurricular interests you would like to pursue in college.*
Who inspires you and why? (200 words or fewer) *
Inclusiveness and Diversity are among the core values of Case Western Reserve University, and we emphasize an appreciation for the distinct perspectives and achievements of each individual. Please share how experiences in your life have shaped some of your distinct perspectives, and in what ways? (200 words or fewer) *
*(D) Claremont-McKenna College (2024, IP)
Claremont, California
Small college, part of consortium, 3.6+ GPA, mid to high test scores
In Person Program: Sunday, October 6th – Tuesday, October 8th.
Responses to two short essay questions (part of online application form)*
The Fall Fly-In is designed for students who are seriously considering attending College of the Atlantic. Please briefly describe why you think COA could be a good fit for you. (Recommended length: 250-500 words)
COA students have a wide range of passions, perspectives, and backgrounds, but they typically share a spirit of intellectual curiosity, self-motivation, and sincere desire to make a positive difference in the world. Tell us about a recent experience that inspired or intellectually challenged you, or one that motivated you to take action. You may want to reflect on what sparked your curiosity, how your perspective shifted, or what questions this experience raised for you. (Recommended length: 300-650 words)
*(D) Colorado College (2024, IP)
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Small private college; one class at a time. 3.0+ GPA. Middle test scores.
Program: Experience Colorado College: Fall Visit Scholarship Program
Program Date: October 12-14, 2024
Application deadline: August 16, 2024
Release Date: September 1, 2024
Application only fly-in program and travel grant* for high school seniors
Personal Statement: Please share with us your thoughts on diversity, how your experiences and background have impacted your views on this topic, and how you see your perspective on diversity shaping your future (500 words or less). *
Undocumented students may apply.
Also offering…
Spring Connections, April 20-22, 2025
Application Deadline: TBD
Application decisions will be released TBD.
Suburban, private college. 3.5+GPA; medium to high test scores.
Program: Access Davidson
Dates: September 15-17 2024
Application Deadline:
When to Apply: August 2, 2024 at 6 p.m. E.S.T.
Please respond to the following in no more than 200 words: “People often have roles and identities that they find incredibly important to their everyday lives. Tell us about an informal role, identity, or responsibility in your life that is especially important to you.”
Please respond to the following in no more than 300 words: “There are just under four thousand 4-year colleges and universities in the United States. Being as specific as possible, what interests you most about Davidson College?”*
Success can be found in many ways and in many areas of life; professionally, personally, within the family, community, etc. How do you envision college aiding you in finding your own version of success? (250 word max)
*(D) Emory University (2024, IP)
Medium college, mid to high test scores, 3.5+ grades
Program: Emory LEADs Experience In Person Leadership Retreat
Dates: October 17th – 19th, 2023
Application Deadline: Sunday, August 11, 2024 at 11:59 E.S.T.
* Please select two of the four prompts below and answer using your own opinions, lived experiences, and personal voice. Each response should be no more than 150 words.
What would be your first action if you became President of the United States? And why?
What is something you discovered about yourself in the last four years?
If you could be any character from an animated movie (i.e. Disney or Pixar, etc.) who would it be and why?
Do you think there is a difference between learning and earning good grades? Explain your reasoning.
(*D) Grinnell College (2025, Live and Virtual)
Grinnell, Iowa
Small liberal arts; 3.0+ GPA; middle test score
Program: Grinnell Diversity Preview Program (Virtual and Live)
Fall 2025
Registration coming soon.
This preview program is a great way to discover your place at one of the nation’s top liberal arts colleges. Registrants must be domestic students (U.S. citizens or permanent residents) entering their senior year of high school. We encourage attendance from students who:
wish to have a campus affinity with communities of color (American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Black or African American; Latinx/Hispanic; or Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander)
the first in their immediate family to attend college
In 500 words or less, describe the community in which you were raised. In what ways has your community/background informed your goals, beliefs, ideas and perspectives?*
(*D) Haverford College (2024, IP)
Haverford, PA (Suburban Philadelphia
Small liberal arts, 3.6+ GPA, middle to high test scores
Rural small to medium campus, near Philadelphia, 3.0+ GPA,
Program: Our Beloved Community (OBC)
December 6-7, 2024
Deadline for submission is has been extended to November 6, 2024! Notification that you have been accepted to the program will be released on November 12, 2024.
Small Midwest college; 2.9+ GPA; medium test scores
Program: Bridges at Miami University
Students should choose one session to attend (to be declared on the application). Round-trip transportation will be provided from select cities, and airports for the sessions below:
Session 4: Nov. 17-218(Out-of-state via Cincinnati and Dayton airports)
Application Deadline: Rolling until Monday, September 23, 2024 at 11:59 E.S.T.
Personal Statement
As part of your Bridges Program application, you will be asked to include a personal statement. Personal statements help us become acquainted with you in ways different from courses, grades, test scores, and other objective data. They demonstrate your ability to organize thoughts and express yourself. In 250-300 words each, please respond to both prompts below:
At Miami, we thrive to be an inclusive community for all. How might your lived experiences, your background, or your interests help you contribute to our efforts to be an inclusive Miami community for all?
Miami’s Code of Love and Honor guides us to welcome “a diversity of people, ideas, and experiences.” How do you see our campus putting these words into practice?
Short answer question – respond to the following prompt in 300 words or fewer:
“Since 1835, Oberlin has been a leader in diversity, becoming the first school in the nation to admit African Americans and adopting a policy to admit students regardless of race or gender. Because of this, some students first hear about Oberlin in their history books. How did you first learn about Oberlin and how does Oberlin’s history of diversity, equity, and inclusion align with your values?”
*(D) Ohio University (2024, IP)
Athens, Ohio
Large public university. 3.0+ GPA and higher, middle test scores
OHIO Discovery Day
OHIO Discovery Day is an in-person visit program designed for prospective first-year students and their families. At OHIO Discovery Day, visitors will hear from current students, meet with admissions representatives, learn more about their academic interest area, tour the OHIO campus and more. Prospective students can also get help completing their Ohio University application.
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Monday, September 9, 2024
Saturday, October 5. 2024
Friday, October 18, 2024
Saturday, November 9, 2024
You will also be asked to write one essay, and we recommend writing this essay before starting the application. This essay prompts are the same ones you will find on the Common Application, and you can use the same essays for both applications. You’ll find the essay prompts below:
At Pitzer, five core values distinguish our approach to education: social responsibility, intercultural understanding, interdisciplinary learning, student engagement and environmental sustainability. As agents of change, our students utilize these values to create solutions to our world’s challenges. Please answer only ONE of the following prompts in 650 words or less.
Describe what you are looking for from your college experience and why Pitzer would be a good fit for you.
Reflecting on your involvement throughout high school or within the community, how have you engaged with one or more of Pitzer’s core values?
Additionally, all applicants are REQUIRED to answer the following prompt in 250 words or less:
As a mission driven institution, we value and celebrate the synergy created by our differences and similarities. We welcome you to write about distinctive aspects of your background, identity, or personal interests that you would bring to Pitzer, and how you plan to engage in our diverse community here. (250 words)
Please contact a member of our Preview Pitzer Team if you have questions. The team can be reached by calling our office at (909) 621-8129 or emailing Preview_Pitzer@pitzer.edu.
* (D) Pomona College (2024, IP and V)
Claremont, CA
Small elite liberal arts college, 3.8+ GPA, SAT 2100, ACT 31
Program: Perspectives on Pomona (POP!)
On Campus:Sunday, October 6 to Tuesday, October 8, 2024.
Virtual: Two half-day sessions after school on Thursday, October 24 and the morning of Saturday, October 26, 2024.
Application Deadlines:
Monday, August 12, 2024 for those who wish to be considered for both programs
Friday, September 30, 2024 for those who wish to be considered for the virtual program exclusively.
*(D) Reed College (2024, Virtual first and then second part IP)
Portland, Oregon
Small liberal arts college; no test scores required to apply
Program: Senior Scholars
The Senior Scholars Program is a yearlong engagement with our community. The program begins with a virtual introduction to campus that is open to all Senior Scholars applicants and concludes with a partially or fully funded trip to visit Reed’s campus during Admitted Student Day events.
Senior Scholars is designed to answer the unique questions posed by underrepresented students and students of color. High-achieving high school seniors will learn about life at Reed and create lasting connections with current students, faculty, and other future Reedies.
All students are welcome to apply by October 15.
During the virtual program, Senior Scholar applicants will meet campus leaders and faculty and hear directly from current students about life in Portland. Senior Scholars who are admitted to Reed will receive financial support to visit campus in the spring.
Must complete this form to be considered for Fall 2024 Program. Applicants must also apply Early Action or Early Decision to Reed.
*(D) Smith College (2024, IP)
Northampton, Massachusetts
Small, all women’s, 3.3+ GPA, test optional
Program: Women of Distinction: October 18 – 19, 2024 or November 8 – 9, 2024
Application Deadlines: Application Opens August 1, 2024
Essay Prompt: Intersectionality, a term coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, is a term used to describe the complex ways in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination (racism, sexism, classism, etc) combine or overlap. How has your own intersectional lens impacted your worldview?
The application also includes two short answer questions:
In 250 words or less, tell us about 1-2 academic subjects you enjoy and hope to explore during your undergraduate education at Tufts. Why do these fields of study excite you?
Please provide any additional information you would like us to consider. You may choose to share more about your family background, community, commitment to diversity and inclusion, or interest in attending Voices of Tufts. (This question is optional)
*(D) Tulane University (2024, IP and V)
New Orleans, Louisiana
Mid-sized, city campus, 3.2+ GPA, mid test scores
Programs: PreviewTU (PUT) Visit Day
Dates: September 28, 2024
Deadline: Registration closes on Friday, August 23, 2024. Final deadline to apply for travel grant is Friday, September 6th.
To apply, please complete the PreviewTU registration form and indicate that you are applying for a travel grant. Please be prepared to include a 250-word essay about why you are interested in visiting Tulane.
Residing in New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland or Washington D.C. metro area.
B+ average or above in core high school courses (English, History, Math, Science, World Language).
Enrollment in challenging courses (Honors, AP, IB).
ACT or SAT scores may be considered. Submission of these test scores is optional.
Genuine interest in learning more about Union’s academic and community experience.
Citizen or permanent resident of the United States.
GTKU Application, including copy of high school transcript (with grades through junior year) and short answer question (50-100 words): Why are you interested in Union College?
Mid-sized Ivy League college, 3.7+ GPA, high test scores
Program: PEEP: Penn Early Exploration Program
Cohort 1: Wednesdays from 7-9 pm. ET. July 24-August 14, 2024
Cohort 2: Wednesdays from 7-9 pm ET. August 21-September 11, 2024
Application: Fall 2024 already closed
How will you explore community at Penn? Consider how Penn will help shape your perspective, and how your experiences and perspective will help shape Penn. (150-200 words)
Medium college, medium city, upper state NY, 3.3+ test scores, medium test scores
Program: MVP
Dates: November 7-November 9, 2024
Prospective students who are accepted to MVP receive free travel to and from Rochester, specialized programming, and a two-night stay with a current student host in a residence hall. The fall 2024 MVP Experience will take place from Thursday, November 7- Saturday, November 9 in conjunction with the November 8 Research Rochester open house.
Deadline: Friday, October 4 at 11:59 ET. The deadline to apply is Friday, October 4 at 11:59 p.m. ET. We will notify all MVP applicants whether they are selected for the program or not by October 16.
Please respond to the following essay prompt in no more than 350 words.
Our Common Ground at UVM outlines six values that underpin the university’s inclusive and educationally purposeful community. At UVM, students of all backgrounds and identities learn to solve complex problems, find their purpose, and challenge injustice in all its forms.
We know advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is often a long and hard process. Tell us about a time you have championed DEI, rejected injustice, or how you plan to stay committed to DEI on UVM’s campus.
*(D) University of Virginia (2024, IP and V)
Charlottesville, Virginia
Large public university, 3.8+ GPA, high test scores
HFL Plan for 2024 Cohort:
Our program will consist of two separate cohorts. One will be exclusively virtual (the virtual cohort) and the other will be in-person (the in-person cohort).
The virtual cohort will participate in programming hosted on Zoom and their schedule will run from approximately 10:00AM-6:00PM on one day in October 2024.
The in-person cohort will participate in a program that largely centers around Fall Fest, a program hosted by the UVA Office of Admissions. The cohort will meet on Zoom with HFL as an introductory meeting a few days before Fall Fest to discuss the schedule for the program. During this Zoom meeting, the cohort will participate in some small icebreakers and bonding before they come to grounds. When they come to grounds, they will participate in Fall Fest and then join HFL for supplemental programing for one day.
September 2024: 2024 HFL in-person cohort meets on Zoom+ on grounds
October 2024: 2024 HFL virtual cohort meets on Zoom
Early decisions released: July 2024
Regular decisions released: Early September 2024
* This site is still under construction for 2024 program*
Find out more about our purpose, team, and what the weekend will look like!
Please choose one of the following prompts for your personal statement.
Explain an identity that is particularly meaningful to you and why.
Describe an organization, extracurricular, job, or home/family responsibility that is an important part of your daily life.
Identity is often tied to region— such as state, county, city, or neighborhood. Share what makes your part of the world special to you.
*(D) Washington University in St. Louis (2024, IP)
St. Louis, Missouri
Mid-sized, competitive admissions campus, 3.7+ GPA, mid to high test scores
Program: WashU Preview
Session 1 – Sunday, July 7 – Tuesday, July 9
Session 2 – Sunday, July 28- Tuesday, July 30
Application Deadline: WashU Preview is an invitation-based program. To be considered, students should submit the WashU Preview Application by Friday, May 31, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. CT.
WashU is a place that values diversity of perspectives. We believe those perspectives come from a variety of experiences and identities. In 250 words or less, respond to one of the following prompts to help us understand “Who are you?” (250 words or less):
Discuss a fresh perspective or opinion you brought to a collaborative setting or project.
Describe a community you are a part of and your place within it.
Tell us how your life experiences have impacted the way you view or interact with your community.
*(D) Wellesley College (2024, V)
Wellesley, MA
All women’s, near Boston, 3.5+ GPA, medium to high test scores
AMPLIFY: Wellesley’s Leadership Series
October 15, 2023
VOICE: Wellesley’s College Access Program
Dates: Saturday, September 28 and September 29, 2024
Application Deadline: Priority application deadline is July 17 at 11:59 p.m. EDT, but the application will remain open until September 11, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.
REQUIRED: Two thoughtful paragraphs (250-400 words) addressing the following prompt:
Wellesley students break barriers and build bridges. They actively seek ways to change the world for the better. How have you questioned your community and the world around you? How have you used your voice to bring people together, and how do you anticipate doing so at Wellesley?
*Wesleyan College (2024, IP)
Small-medium liberal arts college, 3.5+ GPA, test optional
Program: WesExplore
Due to space limitations, the Office of Admission can only invite a certain number of students to campus. Given this selectivity, we ask students applying for WesExplore to apply and include a transcript through the end of junior year.
October 13-14, 2024, and November 10-11, 2024.
Application Deadlines:
Priority Application Deadline: August 1, 2024 Applications arriving by this deadline will receive greater consideration for an invitation to attend WesExplore.
Counselors can recommend a student for the Fall 2023 Visit Scholarship Program, and students are encouraged to apply by September 30, 2023. Application link will be available by mid-August.
For any questions about the Visit Scholarship Program, please email Makaya Kekoa Resner, Assistant Director of Admissions (DEIA-focus), at resnerm@whitman.edu.
*(D) Whitworth College (Spring 2025)
Spokane, Washington
Small liberal arts college, 3.2 GPA+, mid-level test scores
Program: Mentorship Visit Program (MVP); March 16-17, 2025
Small liberal arts, rural, 3.3+ GPA, medium to high test scores
Program: Windows on Williams (WOW)
We are excited to offer two all-expenses-paid fly-in programs
Dates: Sunday, October 6 to Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Application Deadlines: Rolling
The fall 2023 WOW dates are Thursday, September 28 – Saturday, September 30. We recognize these dates may not work for any number of reasons, including observance of religious holidays, school commitments or other conflicts. If you’re interested in learning more about Williams outside of WOW, you can do so on our website and through some of our virtual programming.