Last night, I presented to a full house of students and families at Hamilton High School in Los Angeles on “Choosing the Right College Fit.” Many families need to start early with developing good college lists so that their students can have many college options. There are hundreds of great […]

Happy November. We still have so much to do to help our seniors with their college application process. Here are 10 tips to hep you manage this month without losing too much sleep.
2014 November College Readiness Tips For Teachers and Counselors

Embrace Additional Writing Requirements. Most selective colleges using the Common Application have individual Member Questions and/or Writing Supplements. View these supplemental essay opportunities as great offerings, as less is not more in the world of the competitive application process. Colleges that have supplemental essays really want to learn more about you– from you. So […]
Tell Me More: Using College Specific Writing Questions and Supplements ...
Colleges seek students who are a great match. With online applications, colleges have more and more applicants and, thus, need ways to differentiate amongst them. As a result, an increasing number of schools are using demonstrated interest as a factor in the admissions process.We need to help high school juniors understand that, while demonstrated interest can be a significant factor in the admission process, they do not have to spend a ton of money to learn more about or even visit many colleges on their list.This spring, high school juniors can begin the process of getting to know colleges all around the country–and for little or no money.
Demonstrating Their Interest: Strategies for Students to Learn About Colleges ...

This is a busy time of year for juniors. Please help them get ready for college.
2014 February-March College Readiness Tips
It's almost time for the holidays, yet we have so much left to do to help students with their college applications, scholarships, and financial aid. Here are some ideas to share with teachers and counselors about how to integrate college readiness with the holidays.