We have updated the list with the majority of dates and deadlines. Please consider applying to one or two of these schools to visit a college. Seeing is believing.
Fall 2012 Diversity College Visits.
Many colleges are hosting diversity college visits this fall. Some deadlines have passed, but if you’re interested still APPLY.
- *(D)= The college has a diversity weekend that covers all costs. These programs are competitive and require applications.
- * The college can cover expenses for traditional weekend programs.
- (D) = diversity weekend with no transportation costs.
Gray highlighting is current for 2012-2013
Turquoise– no new info or anything verified
Diversity College Weekends
*(D) Amherst College
Amherst, Massachusetts
Program: Diversity Open-house Weekends: September 22-24, October 20-22
Application deadlines: The application deadline for both DIVOH weekends is August 15, 2012, at 4:30 p.m. (EST).
- Only high school students who are U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents and who will be seniors in the fall of 2012 are eligible to apply.
- To be considered, you must submit a completed online application which includes standardized test results, a high school transcript (through the end of junior year), and a short essay response.
- Students selected to visit Amherst for a DIVOH weekend will receive 100% of round-trip transportation costs (airline, bus, or train) for DIVOH attendance and will be hosted on campus by current students. Typically, seventy-five percent of the students who attend one of our DIVOH programs choose to apply to Amherst, although they are under no obligation to do so. A fee waiver of the $60 application fee is provided to all students invited to attend a DIVOH weekend. Some students who apply to the Open House will also receive a waiver for the Amherst College $60 application fee in order to encourage their applications to Amherst, regardless of whether they are invited to attend the Open House.
- To get application, go to https://www.amherst.edu/admission/diversity/divoh
- Amherst College
Office of Admission
220 South Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01002
(413) 542-2328 Phone
(413) 542-2040 Fax
www.amherst.edu/admission/diversity For more information, visit https://www.amherst.edu/admission/diversity/divoh
* (D) Barnard College
New York, New York
Program: Sunday, October 21, 2012 (BARNARD BOUND – by invitation only)
- Requirements: Student application, Advisor Nomination Form, and transcript
- Monday, October 22, 2012 (OPEN HOUSE – open to all interested students)
Application deadline: September 14, 2012.
For more info, visit- http://barnard.edu/node/6934
- Student Application is available. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGRMNzd1aXlZa1dneHNHNUhWcFRwNUE6MQ#gid=0
- Mandatory Advisor/mentor nomination form. https://barnard.edu/sites/default/files/inline/adviserform_0.pdf
- Transcript must also be sent. Can be unofficial.
*(D) Bates College
Lewiston, Maine
Program: Prologue to Bates: Prologue I: October 7-9 or Prologue II: November 11-
Application deadline: September 7, 2012 for October 7-9 Visit.
Application deadline: October 1, 2012 for November 11-13 Visit.
- You can find the application at: http://www.bates.edu/admission/prologue/
- Scholarships are offered to students who apply for a travel scholarship on the application. Parents can also apply to come.
- Bates Office of Admission
Phone: 1-855-BATES55 (1-855-228-3755)
*(D) Beloit College
St. Beloit, Wisconsin
- Program: Summer Days: July 27, and August 17. Autumn Visit Days: September 22, October 8, and October 27, and Admitted Student Open House in the Spring that offers fly-ins
Deadlines: Summer application went online May 9. Online registration will be available six weeks in advance of each event. Make sure to register. http://www.beloit.edu/prospective/visit/visitdayprograms
*(D ) Bowdoin College
Brunswick, ME
Program: Explore Bowdoin; September 20-23, 2012 and November 1-4 2012 (Note: November 3 is SAT date)
Application Deadline: August 24 and September 28, respectively.
- http://www.bowdoin.edu/admissions/explore/index.shtml
- Application: https://bowdoincollege.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_bEqKB9crs6bgGTa
- For any questions about the program call or email Claudia Marroquin at (207) 725-3066
*(D) Brandeis University
Waltham, Massachusetts
Program: SEED-Students Exploring and Embracing Diversity, Nov 10, 2012
Application deadlines: TBD. Students notified on rolling basis
- There is an application to fill up but it will not be available until the 2nd week of August. Visit www.brandeis.edu/seed to see if the site for SEED has been launched, along with the application.
- Fax: 781-736-3536
- Mail:
Brandeis University
Undergraduate Admissions
MS 003
415 South Street
Waltham, MA 02454
- Students go to special program on 11/10 and then spend the night and attend Fall Preview Day the next day.
- All expense paid trip to campus and back.
If you have any questions, please contact Jared Rivers at-
*(D) Bryn Mawr
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
Program: Bryn Mawr by Day, Oct 8 and Nov 12, 2012 (9:30am-2pm)
- Please register early at http://brynmawr.edu/admissions/by-day/index.html
Deadlines: Bryn Mawr by Night (overnight program), three dates with three different foci
- · IMAGINE (Humanities Focus)- Sept 27-28
- Register by Sept 18th at:
- · INVESTIGATE (Women in math and science)- Oct 23-24
- Register by Oct 17th at:
- · ELECTION 2012 (Politics, History, and Public Service), Nov 6-7
- Register by Oct 30th at:
For more information please visit http://brynmawr.edu/admissions/visit/index.html
Bryn Mawr College
101 North Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
610-526-5151 – phone
610-526-7471 – fax
*(D) Carleton College
Northfield, Minnesota
Program: Taste of Carleton, Thursday, October 25-Saturday, October 27, 2012
Deadlines: For Out-of-State Applicants: September 14, 2012
For Minnesotan Applicants: October 1, 2012
- Nomination and invitation process necessary for attending
- Nominations can still be done regardless of the deadline listed online. Follow this link to nominate a student(s)- www.go.carleton.edu/TOC
- Mail applications to:
Carleton College?Office of Admissions?100 South College Street?Northfield, MN 55057
- Questions? Concerns?
Contact Carla Zelada or Stefani Tran at 800-995-2275 or emailtoc@carleton.edu.
- For more information and to check for the updated application, visit:https://apps.carleton.edu/admissions/visit/TOC/
*(D) Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Program: Celebration of Diversity Weekend- November 10-12, January 19-21
Deadlines: October 27, 2012. Registration will be available in Septemberl
- Requirements: have at least a 3.3 GPA on an unweighted 4.0 scale and at least a combined SAT score of 1700 or ACT score of 25.
- For more information http://www.cmu.edu/enrollment/admission/cod/
Program: Sleeping Bag Weekend-
- October 14-15
- October 28-19
- November 11-12
- January 20-21
Deadlines: Registration will be available in August
- Students with financial need: You may qualify for travel assistance, if you meet the requirements. Please indicate your need for travel assistance when registering.
- Visit http://www.cmu.edu/enrollment/admission/cod/travel.html
for further conditions for receiving travel assistance.
- Contact the Admissions Office if you have any questions
(*D) College of Charleston
Charleston, SC
Program: M.O.V.E., the Multicultural Overnight Visit Experience, Sept 21-22, Oct 19-20, Nov 2-3, Nov 16-17
Deadline: Not known, but ASAP since space is limited
- Visit http://admissions.cofc.edu/explorethecollege/events/moveovernight.phpfor more info and MOVE application.
- Take part in a class visit.
- Be hosted by an outstanding currently enrolled minority student.
- Meet other currently enrolled students and interested students like yourself.
- Stay overnight in one of our eight residence halls.
- Learn about our pre-professional programs and proximity to the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) and Charleston School of Law.
- Experience our active college community.
- Have the opportunity to ask lots of questions, including questions about being a minority student on campus.
- Requires student application, parental application, and medical consent
- Submit your completed application to Debbie Counts, Office of Admissions, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC 29424 or FAX to 843.953.7461
- For more information, contact Debbie Counts at countsd@cofc.edu or 843.953.4954.
Other Events:
- (D) AALANA – October 20, 2012
- You can register here http://admissions.cofc.edu/forms/form-aalanapreviewdayregistration.php
- This is a one-day event, but you can stay overnight if you register for MOVE, which takes place at the same time in Oct.
- Visit http://admissions.cofc.edu/explorethecollege/events/aalanapreviewday.php for more info, or contact Debbie Counts (same as for MOVE)
Fall Open House – November 3, 2012
Junior Preview (for high school juniors) – April 20, 2013
- For general info on events, visit http://admissions.cofc.edu/explorethecollege/events/index.php
*(D) Colgate University
Hamilton, New York
Program: Multicultural Open house, October 21-22, 2012
Deadlines: Application must be received no later than October 5, 2012
- You can find the application here: http://offices.colgate.edu/admission/Open%20House/Open%20House%20Application%202012.htm and you will be notified of your admission to the event via email.
- Space is limited and applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, so apply ASAP.
- If you have any questions, visit http://www.colgate.edu/admission/diversityandadmission/openhouse or contact the Office of Admission at (315) 228-7401 or via e-mail at admission@colgate.edu.
- Travel assistance available for a limited number of students who demonstrate need. Indicate need on application. If you have any further questions regarding travel assistance, contact the Office of Admission at (315) 228-7401.
*(D) College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University
St. Joseph and Collegeville, Minnesota
Program: National Fly-in Weekend Program, November 10-12 and several spring weekends for accepted students.
Deadline: Two weeks before weekend.
The National Fly-in Weekend program is designed specifically for accepted students from outside of Minnesota. In order to be eligible for this program a student needs to apply and be offered admission. We arrange a customized campus experience for the students. While we will assist students visiting us anytime, we encourage students to take advantage of the fly-in weekends to see our campuses and get to know their future classmates from across the country!
At a minimum, CSB/SJU will pay for at least half of flight costs through our National Travel Assistance Program. We will pay for full flight costs for students where there is significant financial need – contact admission staff members for additional details on paying for full flight costs. The admission office will provide all transportation to/from the Minneapolis airport and cover all meals.
For more information, contact Jacqueline Corral (jcorral@csbsju.edu) or Matt Beirne (mbeirne@csbsju.edu). |
Saturday, November 10, 2012 until Monday, November 12, 2012
Registration: https://admissions.csbsju.edu/register/NovemberNationalFly-In
Saturday, February 9, 2013 until Monday, February 11, 2013***
Registration: https://admissions.csbsju.edu/register/FebruaryNationalFly-In
Saturday, March 9, 2013 until Monday, March 11, 2013
Registration: https://admissions.csbsju.edu/register/MarchNationalFly-In
Saturday, April 6, 2013 until Monday, April 8, 2013
Registration: https://admissions.csbsju.edu/register/AprilNationalFly-In
For best flight and cost options, a two-week advance notice is requested. Requests made within two weeks will be accommodated on a case-by-case basis, depending on flight cost and availability.
***In order to be eligible to visit the weekend of February 9-11, students must be a Trustees’ Scholarship candidate. Trustees’ scholarship candidacy is determined based on the following.
v Minimum GPA of 3.60
v Minimum ACT composite score of 30* or minimum SAT combined score of 1980.
*(D) Colorado College
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Program: Multicultural Open House, November 10-12
Application opens August 1st, 2012. Deadline: October 10th.
- For more info, visit: http://www.coloradocollege.edu/admission/introduceyourself/visit/multiculturalopenhouse/
- If you are accepted to attend the event, Colorado College will pay your transportation expenses (airfare or mileage or gas) up to $500. If you travel with one or both of your parents, we offer an additional subsidy, of up to $500, for their transportation expenses and provide complimentary accommodations at a nearby hotel.
- If you have questions, please contact Amy Lareau, Admission Counselor at: (719) 389-6062 or Amy.Lareau@ColoradoCollege.edu or Anna Jaquez, Associate Director of Admission & Financial Aid at: (719) 389-6944 or Anna.Jaquez@ColoradoCollege.edu or Blake Hammond, Admission Counselor at: (719) 389-6054 or Blake.Hammond@ColoradoCollege.edu.
*(D) Connecticut College
New London, Connecticut
Program: Explorer Weekend- Oct. 6-8, 2012, and Nov. 3-5, 2012.
Deadlines: For priority consideration, please submit this online application and your high school transcript by September 14, 2012.
- You may fax your transcript to (860)439-4301 or mail it to Connecticut College, Office of Admission, 270 Mohegan Ave., New London, CT 06320.
- For more info and the application- http://www.conncoll.edu/admission/explore–weekend.htm
- You can request travel assistance on the application.
- For questions, please contact Will Tran, assistant director of admission
Telephone: (860)439-2208
Fax: (860)439-4301
Program: Fall Open House will take place on Monday, October 8, 2012
*(D) Cornell University
Ithaca, NY
Programs: Fall Diversity Hosting Weekend (Fall DHW) and Women in Engineering Program: (WIE Program)-both through the College of Engineering at Cornell- September 27-29, 2012
Application Deadline WIE: August 1, 2012 (closed)
- Women in Engineering Program: www.engineering.cornell.edu/wieprogram
Application Deadline DHW: extended to August 15th
- Fall DHW is a co-ed program that focuses on students that identify with backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in engineering (African American/Black, Latino/a, and Native American), while the focus of the WIE Program is the experience of all women engineers at Cornell. Students selected for either program will have the opportunity to stay in a residence hall with a current student; learn details about the admission process; participate in interactive lab demonstrations; interact with faculty, staff, and students; and engage with members of several of our award-winning engineering student organizations. Participation in one of these programs is a great way for students to learn more about what Cornell has to offer aspiring engineers!
- Required application, high school transcript and high school profile.
- If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the Engineering Admissions
office via email at engr_admissions@cornell.edu<mailto:engr_admissions@cornell.edu>
and include “Fall Hosting” in the subject heading or call their office at (607) 255-5008.
*(D) Dartmouth
Hanover, NH
Programs: Dartmouth Bound-Summer Program, July 29th – August 1st, 2012.
Native American Community, SAME
Program Deadlines: May 21, 2012. Check next May for next year’s program
- There are daily activities such as tours, info sessions, and student forums. Visit http://www.dartmouth.edu/admissions/visit/plan/ to sign up for any.
* Davidson College
Davidson, NC
Program: Discover Davidson I, Sept 22 and Discover Davidson II, Oct 21
Deadlines: Registration Now Open
- Please visit http://www3.davidson.edu/cms/x7258.xml
- Other events can be found here http://www3.davidson.edu/cms/x6436.xml
Program: Fall Overnight visits, September 13th, September 27th, October 4th, November 1st, November 8th
- Register 5 days in advance here: http://www3.davidson.edu/cms/x6437.xml
*(D) Franklin and Marshall College
Lancaster, PA
Program: Collegiate Leadership Summit- Fall Session 1: Monday, October 22nd to Tuesday, October 23rd; Fall Session 2: Monday, November 12th to Tuesday, November 13
Deadlines: The nomination deadline for the Fall Session 1 program is Sunday, September 23, 2012.
The nomination deadline for the Fall Session 2 program is Sunday, October 14, 2012.
- The cost of travel and attendance is covered by the College, and each year (6) participants are offered full-tuition scholarships to attend F&M.
- Students must be nominated to apply and participate.
The nominees should meet the following requirements:
* A minimum GPA of 3.3 in rigorous classes
* Must be of a background underrepresented in higher education
* Must have demonstrated leadership in his or her school or community
* Must be seniors in the fall
- Counselors, teachers, or staff members of community organizations
To nominate a student, please visit http://forms.fandm.edu/mach/view.php?id=77
- For more information, visit http://www.fandm.edu/summit or contact Chiquita Geldorp at cls@fandm.edu or 717-291-4190
*(D)George Washington University
Washington, DC
Program: Multicultural Open Houses: Fall and Spring (Dates not available yet)
April 14, 2012
Deadlines: April 7, 2012 (Check next year in spring)
- To register, visit: https://gwapplication.gwu.edu/login/login.cfm and create an account, then RSVP to this event.
- If you require travel assistance, please indicate the need when registering. There is a limited number of travel assistance scholarships. GW will provide a limited number of travel assistance scholarships. You can access the Travel Grant Application here.
- For more information, visit: http://www.gwu.edu/apply/undergraduateadmissions/visitgw/openhousesevents/multiculturalopenhouses
- Please register by April 7, 2012 through the GW Admissions Activity Center.
(*D) Grinnell College
Grinnell, Iowa
Program: 2012 Diversity Preview Program, Oct 4-6, 2012
Deadline for application: September 5th, 2012
- You can find the app online here: https://admission.grinnell.edu/register/GDPP or you can submit it via fax or mail.
- In addition to app, please submit the following by the above postmark deadline
- A high school transcript
- An official SAT or ACT score
- An activities resume.
- Materials can be faxed: (641) 269-4800 or sent by US Mail to Grinnell College, Office of Admission – GDPP, 1103 Park St., Grinnell, IA 50112
- For more info, visit http://www.grinnell.edu/admission/visit/gdpp or contact Patty Amador-Lacson, Coordinator of Multicultural Recruitment, at 800-247-0113 or by email amadorla@grinnell.edu.
*(D) Gustavus Adolpus
St. Peter, MN
Program: Fly-in Program- December 2-4 and March 17-19
Application Deadline: Last year deadline was November 1 for December visit.
Please check for updates at http://admission.gustavus.edu/admissions/visit/flyin.asp BY THE END OF AUG INFO WILL BE UPDATED ONLINE.
- What to expect:
- For those who live more than 400 miles from St. Peter, Minnesota, the fly-in program would include:
- The cost of the flight
- Transportation to and from the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport
- Overnight accommodations with current Gustavus students
- Meals in the Gustavus Market Place
- Sitting in on classes
- Meeting with professors, coaches or conductors.
Students interested in our fly-in program should:
- Be high school seniors,
- Complete an ApplicationforAdmission by the deadline listed next to the fly-in dates (TBD)
- Complete the fly–inprogramapplication and be approved by the office for the program.
*(D) Hamilton College
Clinton, New York
Program: Diversity Overnight, September 30th-October 1st
Application Deadline: 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 12th.
- Prospective seniors can apply in the beginning of their fall semester by completing the application at: http://www.hamilton.edu/admission/diversityovernight
- Please fax a copy of your high school transcript with senior year courses and standardized test scores to the attention of Brianna McRae at 315-859-4457.
- Hamilton College offers travel reimbursement to a limited number of students who are unable to visit campus without financial assistance. Interested students should contact our office at admission@hamilton.edu
*(D) Harvey Mudd College
Claremont, CA
Program: Fall Future Achievers in Science and Technology Program (FAST): September 14-15 2012
Application Deadline: August 13th
- For more information about the program and for the application, visit- http://www.hmc.edu/admission1/fastprogram/fast1/fallfast.html
- Travel accommodations (if applicable) are available. Participants will also receive a Fee Waiver for an HMC Freshman application
- There is also a Junior Fast program in the spring http://www.hmc.edu/admission1/fastprogram/fast1/about.html
College of Holy Cross
Worcester, Massachusetts
Program: Fall Open House, Sunday, September 30th and Sunday, November 11th.?
Application Deadlines: Online registration will be available beginning September 1st.
- Please call the main office (508-793-2443) with any questions. For more information, visit http://admissions.holycross.edu/visiting/fall–open–houses
(D) Program: Perspectives Overnight Program, November 10-12.
Application Deadline: More information and application forms will be available in September.
- Visit http://admissions.holycross.edu/visiting/additional–opportunities for Perspectives and any other visit opportunities such as full-day visits, overnight visits (spring 2013), and Saturday visits
*(D) Illinois Wesleyan University
Bloomington, Illinois
Program: Summer Preview Days- Friday, August 3, 2012 and Friday, August 10, 2012
Application Deadlines: Please register for this event no later than one week prior to the event
- Application is available online http://www.iwu.edu/admissions/visit/summerpreview.html or call the Admissions Office at 1-800-332-2498
(D) Program: Multicultural Weekend,
*(D) Johns Hopkins
Baltimore, MD
Program: H.O.M.E. (Hopkins Overnight Multicultural Experience), Thursday, October 18- Saturday, October 20, 2012.
Application deadline: September 21, 5 p.m. E.S.T.
Application: http://apply.jhu.edu/homewood/registration.html
Students spend weekend at JHU. Stay in dorm and go to all Open House events.
Students applying to attend the H.O.M.E. program must submit a transcript, SAT/ACT scores (if available) and a recommendation to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. The recommendation form can be found here. Transcripts, SAT/ACT scores, and recommendations can be faxed to the attention of: HOME Coordinator at (410) 516-6025 or emailed to home.program@jhu.edu.
Further details about the program can be found at: http://apply.jhu.edu/homewood/
*(D) Kalamazoo College
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Program: Crash the Campus, Nov 4-5 2012
Application Deadline to submit application is Oct 12
- You can find more info and the application here: http://kzoo.edu/admission/?p=crash
- Travel for this program will be subsidized. If you would like to be considered for a full travel subsidy, please have your counselor give you a copy of a college application fee waiver (from NACAC, College Board or similar source), which will then be applied to your Kalamazoo College application
- For more information, contact the office of admission at phone 269-337-7166 or admission@kzoo.edu
*(D) Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio
Fall Visit Days and Overnight Visit Program, September 1 and 30 and September 30-October 1, 2012
- Fall Visit Day 1 – Saturday, September 1, 2012
- Fall Visit Day 2 – Sunday, September 30, 2012
- Fall Overnight Visit Program – Sunday, September 30, 2012- Monday, October 1, 2012
- You can register online at https://goto.kenyon.edu/visit.phtml?visitday=FO1
Cultural Connections: Cultural Connections I: Overnight Visit Program – Sunday-Monday, October 7-8, 2012 and Cultural Connections II: Overnight Visit Program – Sunday-Monday, December 2-3, 2012
- Please contact Kim Totman at 740-427-5778 to make reservations.
- Please visit this page for more information on any of these events and registration to attend- http://www.kenyon.edu/visitdays.xml#x4148
- IMPORTANT: If you need help funding your travel to any event, complete the online Travel Grant application. Can cover up to 90% of the lowest advertised airfares or up to $50 to offset driving costs. Find more info on this grant here http://www.kenyon.edu/x1697.xml or call Kim Totman at 800-848-2468.
(*D) Lehigh University
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Program: Diversity Achievers Program, Sunday, October 21st followed by and including Senior Open House Monday, October 22nd.
Application and all Materials Deadline: Tuesday, September 11.
Required items:
- Diversity Achievers Program Application
- (Unofficial) transcript
- SAT/ACT results
- Personal Essay (online application or Word document emailed to Adrienne Yurack at aky4@lehigh.edu)
- Résumé (please fax or email a Word document to Adrienne Yurack at aky4@lehigh.edu)
- Overnight Agreement
Required elements not available for online/electronic submission should be faxed to (610) 758-4361, Attn: Diversity Achievers Program.
For more info, visit www.lehigh.edu/dap or contact Majed Dergham at mad305@lehigh.edu or Maria Asayag at mga210@lehigh.edu.
Those unable or not selected to attend DAP are still encouraged to attend Senior Open House on Monday, October 22. For more info on open houses, visit http://www4.lehigh.edu/admissions/undergrad/visit/openhouses.aspx for any updates.
V.I.E.W: Experience a Day at Lehigh, September, October, and November dates are still being finalized. Please check http://www4.lehigh.edu/admissions/undergrad/visit/specialvisit.aspx#day for updates, which should be up sometime in August.
*(D) Lewis & Clark College
Portland, Oregon
Program: L.E.A.D. program, November 11-13, 2012
Application Deadline: Wednesday, October 3, 2012
- Who: Students who are leaders in their schools and communities and those who have a demonstrated interest in learning more about Lewis & Clark College. Preference will be given to underrepresented students of color and first generation college students.
- What: Visit campus at the College’s expense, meet current students and faculty, participate in leadership development activities, sit in on classes, spend the night in a residence hall, taste the food, have an admissions interview, and experience life at Lewis & Clark College firsthand.
Please e-mail Rasheid Light in the Admissions Office or call him at 800-444-4111.
Learn more about multiculturalism at Lewis & Clark, or read the College’s statement on the educational benefits of diversity.
To apply, mail or fax (503-768-7055) the following items by October 3, 2012:
(Note: no late or incomplete applications will be considered)
- L.E.A.D. Application Form (please print and fill out)
- Official High School Transcript, including grades 9 through 11
- Teacher Recommendation (or download at www.commonapp.org)
- Resume of Leadership Activities
- 250-500 Word Essay describing a time you demonstrated leadership
*(D) Miami University (Ohio)
Oxford, OH
Program: Bridges at Miami University, Oct 28-29, Nov 4-5, or 18-19, 2012
Deadline for Applications are due September 10
- Application criteria includes the following:
- Students from underrepresented populations
- High school students graduating in 2013
- Minimum of 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale or top 25% of graduating class
- College prep curriculum
- Demonstrated leadership/co-curricular involvement
- You can find the application and further information here, http://www.miami.muohio.edu/admission/admission/high-school/bridges/
- All application materials must be submitted to Office of Admission by postal mail, email, or fax by the deadline.
Office of Admission
Attn: Bridges Program
Miami University
301 S. Campus Ave.
Oxford, OH 45056
Email: outreach@muohio.edu
Fax: 513-529-0680
Include a fax cover sheet with your full name and the subject line, “Bridges Program.”
· Note: Bridges Scholarship
Students who successfully complete the program, apply and are accepted for Fall 2013 admission, and enroll at Miami University, Oxford campus, will receive a scholarship awarded only to Bridges students.
- If you have any questions, contact Raegan Butler (admission counselor)- 513-529-1507
outreach@muohio.edu OR Diana Porter (assistant director)- 513-529-7576
*(D) Middlebury College
Middlebury, Vermont
Program: Discover Middlebury, Oct 21-23, 2012
Application Deadline is Sept 14th by 5pm (est)
- The application can be found at http://www.middlebury.edu/admissions/visit/programs/discoverymiddlebury2012 and includes the following:
- Personal Statement
- Unofficial copy of standardized test scores
- Unofficial copy of your HS transcript or grade report from 9th-11th grade
- This program targets under-represented groups such as- African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian American, and American Indian students; students (regardless of ethnicity) with demonstrated financial hardship; and students who are first in their families to pursue a four-year college education.
- Space is highly limited; approximately 75 spaces available. Transportation will be provided for students who will be financial aid applicants.
- If you have any questions, please e-mail Jean Lin (jlin@middlebury.edu) or Shantá Lindo (slindo@middlebury.edu) in the Middlebury College Admissions Office or give us a call at 802.443.3000.
(D) Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, MO
Program: Open House
- Saturday, Oct 6
- Monday, Nov 12
- Monday, Feb 18
- Saturday, April 20
Visit http://futurestudents.mst.edu/visit/index.html to RSVP to any of these Open Houses.
For Diversity Events, specifically Si Se Puede! , visit http://sdp.mst.edu/pre-collegesummer/sisepuede/ for updates. There will be a fall event, but date is TBD.
Please call 573-341-4212 for more information.
PCI- SPRING 2013, SET DATES ARE TBD. (Pre college initiative for African American High school students that may be considering a future career in math, science, computing or engineering). Visit http://sdp.mst.edu/pre-collegesummer/pci/ for updates.
(D) Mt. Holyoke College
South Hadley, Massachusetts, All Women’s College
Program: Focus on Diversity. Nov 11-12, 2012
Application Deadline-November 5
- To register: https://www.mtholyoke.edu/admission/visit/diversity/diversity_registration
- For more info, visit https://www.mtholyoke.edu/admission/visit/diversity
- Or contact the Office of Admission for questions or concerns
Phone: 413-538-2023
Email: admission@mtholyoke.edu
*(D) Oberlin College and Conservatory
Oberlin, Ohio
Program: Multicultural Visit Program: September 13, October 12, and November 9
Application Deadlines:
- Oct 11-13, app due Sept 13
- Nov 8-10, app due Oct 12
- Dec 6-8, app due Nov 9
- Must be a student of color, interested in a liberal arts Education, US citizen or permanent resident
- To apply you must submit all of this by the noted deadline:
- Application Form with short answer question. This section may be completed using the online application*, or you may mail or fax us the paper application. *There is a short answer required for the application. Be prepared to answer the following in 500 words or less: Since 1835 Oberlin has been a leader in diversity, becoming the first school in the nation to admit African Americans and adopting a policy to admit students regardless of race or gender. Knowing this, what do you feel you can contribute to Oberlin’s community and commitment to diversity
- Completed and signed Counselor Form
- High School Transcript (unofficial copies are acceptable)
- SAT or ACT Scores
- Statement of Financial Responsibility
- For more information and application, visit http://new.oberlin.edu/arts-and-sciences/admissions/mvp/index.dot
- If you have any questions, contact them via email or phone.
800-622-OBIE (6243)
8:30am – 5pm EST
To fax or mail your application form:
Street Address
Multicultural Visit Program
Office of Admissions
Oberlin College
101 N. Professor St.
Oberlin, OH 44074
(*D) Occidental College
Program: Multicultural Visit Program: October 21-23, 2012
Application Deadline: September 14, 2012
- The program is competitive, with a maximum of 40 spots.
- Applying to MVP requires the student’s application and a nomination form from a college counselor at a high school or community-based organization.
- There is also a $60 program fee; however, we will then waive the application fee for Early or Regular Decision.
- For further details, view the Fall MVP Counselor Letter. http://www.oxy.edu/sites/default/files/assets/Admission_Aid/2012FallMVPCounselorLetter.pdf
*(D) Pitzer College
Claremont, CA
Program: Diversity Weekend. Thursday, Nov 1st – Saturday, Nov 3 andThursday, Nov 8th – Saturday, Nov 10
Application Deadlines: The application deadline for the Fall Diversity Programs is Wednesday, October 3, 2012. Applicants will be notified with a decision by Friday, October 12, 2012. Space is limited, so please submit your application by the deadline for full consideration. Application goes online September 1.
- Selected students will have the opportunity to meet with admission and financial aid staff, interview, speak with current students and faculty members, sit in on classes, learn more about athletics and student organizations, explore all 5 Claremont College campuses through a strategically designed Scavenger Hunt, and engage in a fun activity around the Metro LA area. Past activities have included attending SCAM Fest (the Southern California A Cappella Music Festival), enjoying Santa Monica Pier/Beach, having a bonfire at Huntington Beach, going to Universal Studios City Walk, and many other amusements unique to Southern California.
· Apply
In order to be considered for the Fall Diversity Program, applicants must:
Be high school seniors by fall 2012
Be living in the US
Submit a Diversity Program Application (available here starting September 1)
Submit a copy of your high school transcript with grades through junior year
- Thank you for your interest in Pitzer College and the Diversity Program. For more information, please contact Jee Won Lee at jeewon_lee@pitzer.edu or 909-621-8129 .
*(D) Pomona College
Claremont, California
Program: Overnight stays, September 29th, December 7
Fall Weekend at Pomona College, OCT 12-15 AND NOV 9-12
- Visit http://pomona.edu/admissions/visiting/overnight-stays.aspx for more info and to schedule your visit
- Fall dates: Sept 29th– Dec 7th
- Spring dates: Feb 4th– March 14th
- April dates are only available to admitted students
- To get Interest Form: email Malisha Richardson, Assistant Dean of Admissions or Natalie Robinson, program coordinator
- malisha.richardson@pomona.edu or natalie.robinson@pomona.edu
- If you need a travel grant, the interest form includes a form to request that funding.
*University of Puget Sound
Tacoma, Washington
Program: Fall Campus Day, Sept 29, 2012
Application Deadline: Registration OPENS MID AUG.
- To register for Fall Campus Day:-http://www.pugetsound.edu/admission/fall-campus-day/
- Visit this page for other campus visits http://www.pugetsound.edu/admission/visit/
- Travel aid MAY BE offered upon request. Please call admissions office. 253.879.3211 or 800.396.7191.
*(D) Reed College
Portland, Oregon
Program: Reed Overnight Multicultural Experience (ROME), November 4-6
Deadline: September 17, application will be available Aug 1st.
- Eligibility requirements: Citizen or permanent resident, HS minority student, 2 short essays, SAT/ACT/PSAT scores, HS transcript.
- Supplemental info can be sent via:
- Email us at applyrome@reed.edu
- Fax supplemental information to: 503.777.7553, ATTN: ROME
- Mail supplemental information postmarked by September 17 to:
Reed College Office of Admission
3203 SE Woodstock Blvd.
Portland, OR 97202 - For more info, visit- http://www.reed.edu/apply/mrec/details.html or contact them at 1800-547-4750 or email them at applyrome@reed.edu
Other visits:
- Overnight visit (HS seniors & juniors, transfer), Individual Campus Visit
- Visit https://admission-events.reed.edu/Event/ to schedule your visit
(*D) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, New York
Program: Summer Visiting Days 8/9 or 8/10, Rensselaer Medalist Open House 9/22, Fall open house 10/13,
- To RSVP or see the agendas for these events, visit http://admissions.rpi.edu/undergraduate/events/index.html
- If you have any questions, contact the admissions office by email
admissions@rpi.edu or call (518) 276-6216.
STAR- The STAR (Science, Technology, and Arts) Program At Rensselaer (RPI)/S: OCT 11-13, 2012.
Application deadline: September 17
- · Application is available here: https://apply-undergrad.rpi.edu/register/?id=d374035a-c3b6-4856-86b9-b11a1a58f861
- · Applicants must submit transcript with application
- Rensselaer will provide transportation for students from the New York metro area on a chartered bus that will depart from the Jacob Javits Center on Thursday, October 11 at 1 p.m.
- If you are traveling to the Capital District and need transportation to the Rensselaer campus, we’ll be glad to pick you up at the train station, airport, or bus terminal. Please wait for a confirmation e-mail from Rensselaer before scheduling transportation to campus
*(D) Scripps College
Claremont, California, All Women’s College
Program: Multicultural Outreach: Discover Scripps September 23 and 24, 2012.
Application Deadline to submit online application is August 13, 2012.
- Travel grants are available on a case-by-case basis for students who live more than 150 miles from campus and who need financial assistance to get to campus
- Discover Scripps applicants must submit an unofficial high school transcript and some form of standardized testing (PSAT, SAT Reasoning, ACT, and/or SAT Subject Tests)
- For the application, more information, and FAQ’s, visit http://admission.scrippscollege.edu/discoverscripps
*(D) Smith College
Northampton, Massachusetts
Program: Women of Distinction, Nov 9-11, 2012
Application Deadline: September 21, 2012
- Visit http://www.smith.edu/admission/wod/
- Application requires personal statement and letter of recommendation.
- Contact Deanna Dixon, Assistant Director of Admission and WOD program coordinator at ddixon@smith.edu or Krystal Cummings (who is in charge of the program) at kcumming@smith.edu with any further questions
*St. Ambrose University
Davenport, Iowa
Program: Fall 2012 Open House-Saturday, Sept. 15 (8:30 a.m.–3 p.m.)
Application Deadline: Now. To register: http://www.sau.edu/Academic_Programs/Doctor_of_Physical_Therapy/Admissions_and_Application/Open_House.html
*(D) Swarthmore College
Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
Program: Discover Swarthmore! Saturday, September 29 through Monday October 1, 2012.
Applications Deadline: Applications will be accepted until Friday, August 17.
- For application, visit: http://www.swarthmore.edu/admissions/discovery_app.php
- For more information about this event, visit www.discover.swarthmore.edu
- School will cover all expenses of students invited to the event.
Texas A&M
College Station, TX
Program: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY: MEDALS 21ST ANNUAL CONFERENCE , November 2 – 3, 2012, Maximizing Educational Development through Academic and Leadership Skills
Application Deadline: TBA
- The Department of Multicultural Services is offering a two-day program allows high school students from a multicultural background the unique experience of viewing college opportunities from a diverse perspective. Participation is open to 10th – 12th grade high school students and parents.
- If interested, go to: http://medals.tamu.edu and click on the registration tab.
*(D) Trinity College
Hartford, Connecticut
Program: Preview Weekend: November 11-12, 2012
Application Deadline: Monday, October 12, 2012
- http://www.trincoll.edu/StudentLife/Diversity/Pages/Preview.aspx
- Transportation assistance provided.
- Must submit transcript, essay, test scores, counselor recommendation.
- Download applications: http://www.trincoll.edu/StudentLife/Diversity/Documents/PREVIEW%20APP.PDF
- Call 860-297-2180 with questions.
*(D) Tufts University
Medford, Massachusetts
Program: Voices of Tufts: The Diversity Experience: October 25-26, 2012
(Rolling so apply earlier than deadline)
Application deadline is: October 15, 2012. 5 p.m. E.S.T.
- Students must register first on website, create an account, and click on Voices Program. https://webcenter.studentservices.tufts.edu/tac/register.aspx?INQ=R
- Some travel grants paid. All expenses on campus covered.
- Application requires essay and guidance counselor must provide recommendation.
- If you have questions about the program, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 617-627-3170 and ask to speak with the Voices program officer of the day or email Undergraduate.Admissions@tufts.edu
*(D) Union College
Schenectady, NY
Program: GETTING TO KNOW U WEEKEND: October 6-8
Deadline: September 21
- http://www.union.edu/admissions/_prv/getting-to-know-u/
- When: October 6-8, 2012
- What to bring: Sleeping bag, blanket, pillow, spending money, toiletries and homework
- Transportation: Bus transportation will be provided from central locations in Manhattan, NY and Boston, MA. Air travel will be provided on a limited basis from other areas.
- Requirements: Must be a high school senior, complete an application and include an unofficial high school transcript.
- Deadline for application is September 21, 2012. See guidelines for further requirements.
- Applications can be Mailed or Faxed to Susan Cassella (518) 388-6986 .
(D) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Program: Hispanic/Latino Student Recruitment Day, Oct 12-13, 2012
- For more information visit http://www.unc.edu/diversity/hispanicrecruit.htm. Updates are underway.
High School Honors Day, September 15, 2012
- For more information visit http://www.unc.edu/diversity/hshd.htm. Updates are underway.
No travel aid is offered; only in the Spring for admitted students.
For other diversity events, visit http://www.unc.edu/diversity/prospectivestudents.htm
- Please contact the Multicultural Programs Coordinator Josmell Perez, B.A. Email: josmell@unc.edu; Phone: 919-843-5517
*(D) University of Rochester
Rochester, NY
Program: Multicultural Visitation Program, November 11-13
Application: Apply by October 19
- https://enrollment.rochester.edu/admissions/mvp/mvp_form.shtm
- Admission to MVP is a competitive process that will consider your academic and personal qualities.
- Travel assistance is available; be sure to apply on time.
- Highlights include living and dining on campus, staying in a residence hall with a student host, participating in discussions with current students about the college experience and learning about the many opportunities available for undergraduates.
*(D)University of Vermont
Burlington, Vermont
Program: Discovering UVM
October 21–23, 2012, application deadline- Oct 5th
October 28–30, 2012, app deadline- Oct 12th
November 4–6, 2012- app deadline- Oct 26th
- The application can be found here- https://survey.uvm.edu/index.php?sid=11453&lang=en
- Applicants may apply for a travel grant in the application
- For more info, visit http://www.uvm.edu/admissions/undergraduate/visiting/?Page=discover.html
- Contact John Austin atJohn.Austin@uvm.edu, (802) 656-2915 or Deborah Gale at Deborah.Gale@uvm.edu, (802) 656-4646 for an application (if you cannot download above) or for further details.
(D) Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA
Program: Primeros Pasos, September 29
Deadline: RSVP by September 21
- http://www.ugrad.vcu.edu/primerospasos/rsvp.aspx
- One day program for Latino high school students and their families with an overview of the college experience and opportunities in higher education.
- VCU students, parents, administrators, faculty and alumni will be available throughout the day to welcome students and share their experiences.
- The day’s activities will begin with welcoming remarks at 11 a.m. and include bilingual workshops for parents about financial aid, panel discussions with students from VCU’s Latino community, workshops on testing, conversations with representatives from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, a campus tour and lunch on campus, and admission to “Movimientos,” a cultural show in honor of Hispanic Heritage month.
- Please RSVP online by Sept. 21, 2012, or by contacting Elmer Campos at (804) 828-6017 or camposeo@vcu.edu. If special accommodations are needed due to a disability, please contact Shirley Dettmore at (804) 828-6124 at least two weeks before the event.
(D) Villanova- no travel aid
Program: College Day: October 5 (for seniors); February 8 (for juniors)
Application Deadline: September 28 for seniors and February 1st for juniors
- Visit for groups ONLY.
Program: College Weekend: For Seniors: November 16-28 2012 and for Juniors: March 22-24, 2013
Application Deadline: November 2 for seniors and March 1 for juniors
- Applications are found here: http://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/studentlife/multiculturalaffairs/outreach/collegeday.html
- For more information regarding the Weekend event, visit http://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/studentlife/multiculturalaffairs/outreach/collegeweekend.html
- If you have any questions, email charisma.presley@villanova.edu
*(D) Washington & Lee University
Lexington, Virginia
Program: Overnight campus visits for multicultural students on an invitation-only basis.: October 7-9, November 11-13, and January 13-15.
Application Deadlines: Contact admissions office.
- In order to be considered for this, students must send, either via fax at 540-458-8062 or by email to ehutchinson@wlu.edu:
1) Unofficial transcript that includes final junior grades
2) Senior year class schedule
3) Unofficial score report from SAT and/or ACT
- There are 3-day, 2-night all-expense-paid visits (including airfare and ground transportation, if applicable)
*Wesleyan University
Middletown, Connecticut
Program: Fall Open House Monday, October 8, 2012 and Friday, November 12, 2012
Transportation Assistance program– limited, must apply by deadlines
Monday, October 8, 2012 (Columbus Day) –
TAP Form Deadline is September 21, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012 (Veterans Day) –
TAP Form Deadline is October 18, 2012
- Application for the Transportation Assistance Program
Visit this site for more info about travel aid http://wesleyan.edu/admission/visiting_campus/transportation_assistance.html
- If you have questions about the Transportation Assistance Program, please contact tap@wesleyan.edu
Program: Overnight Stays
Deadline: Two weeks before visit.
- Program operates mid-September through the end of November; Sun- Thurs. Overnights are also available to transfer students during the month of February. Please notify the Office of Admission at least 2 weeks in advance of your interest in an overnight visit.
- To arrange your visit, call Loreen Carta at (860) 685-2974 or Laura McQueeney at (860) 685-2972. For more info, go to http://wesleyan.edu/admission/visiting_campus/overnight_stays.html
Program: Discover Wellesley, October 21-22, 2012
Application Deadline: August 31, 2012
- Wellesley provides fully funded travel grants to select high school seniors (who wish to visit campus during this weekend.
- Applicants from underrepresented cultural backgrounds such as African American, Latina American, Native American, Asian American, and low-income students
- http://new.wellesley.edu/admission/discoverwellesley
*(D) Whitman College
Walla Walla, Washington
Program: Visit Scholarship Program, Fall Visitors’ Day II, November 10-12
Application Submission Period- August 1-September 30.
- To be considered for the Priority I deadline all parts of the application must be in by early September. Students may submit application materials up until the Priority II deadline, September 30, 2012. Priority II applicants will be considered after Priority I application decisions have been made..
- The application is available here: www.whitman.edu/admission/vsp/apply
- Limited event: approximately 85 students
- Other dates are available if those dates don’t work out. There are spring dates available for juniors- TBD
- Follow this link for any updates –http://www.whitman.edu/content/admission/visiting/visitorsday
- For more info, contact Esther Weathers @weatheec@whitman.edu
*(D) Williams College
Williamstown, Massachusetts
Program: Windows on Williams (WOW)-two dates. Upon acceptance you will be able to choose which date you can attend
Application Deadline: Will accept applications throughout the fall, but for priority consideration, be sure to submit your application by July 1. To ensure full consideration, submit your application by August 19.
- If you have any questions, email Ahmmad Brown (aab2@williams.edu), Diversity Recruitment Director or visit http://admission.williams.edu/files/2010/01/WOW–APP-20121.pdf
- You can apply online at http://tinyurl.com/WOWApp2012 or fax a completed application to Sarah Willette’s attention at (413) 597-4052.
No response yet.
*(D) Trinity College- awaiting email reply, NO ANSWER ON 8/3
Hartford, Connecticut
Program: Preview Weekend: November 6-7, 2011
- Application Deadline: Monday, October 17, 2011
- Download applications: http://www.trincoll.edu/StudentLife/Diversity/Documents/PreviewApplication.pdf
- Program Contact: Anthony Berry, Senior Associate Director of Admission/Coordinator of Multicultural Recruitment (Anthony.berry@trincoll.edu) 860-297-2177
- For more information please visit: http://www.trincoll.edu/StudentLife/Diversity/Pages/Preview.aspx

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