Using your summer vacation wisely is definitely important even if you are unsure of your career goals. One thing I have noticed about my classmates is that many are applying and planning on doing internships over the summer. They did all kinds of internships before college also.
I was busy during my high school summers also. I volunteered at my church. I worked at my high school for the testing coordinator. BUT no one told me about summer internships, but NOW I KNOW!!!
Because I am interested in becoming either a vet or a doctor, I am making plans to explore both fields. Right now, I plan to volunteer at either the vet or medical hospital while still here at Penn, and over the summer, I plan to do an internship at the Los Angeles Zoo and get hands-on experience as well as decide whether or not the veterinarian field is where I want to continue.
It is, without doubt, imperative that college students, as well as incoming freshmen, start exploring fields they’re interested in and start building a resume for applying to grad school.
So find places to
…do internships
So don’t sit still during the summer. Your future is just around the corner. And colleges love busy, active students.