college acceptances

Please use July to jumpstart your college application process. Many applications will open August 1, so follow these five key tips to make the most of this summer and get ready for the exciting fall college application season.

July 2014 College Readiness Tips for Rising High School Seniors

Congratulations for making it this far in the college admissions process. You will most likely have many good colleges options already or on the way, but if you really want to go to a college that waitlisted you, follow as many of these 10 tips as possible. Do not do this for a school you will not attend if you get off the waitlist. Colleges often take kids off waitlists who can afford to pay outright, have special connections, fulfill regional needs, or make a spectacular case. Remember, spots only open if the college has available spaces, and colleges are keeping longer waitlists than ever.

Don’t Wait to Get Off a College Waitlist

Let's help our students get into the groove of college application season. There is so much you can do right now to help them prepare great application essays and more. We have posted many free powerpoints on slideshare.

2013 October College Readiness Tips for Teachers and Other College ...

All day today and yesterday, I have talked, emailed, and texted with teens and their parents about college decisions, many of which have cut the high school seniors to the core. Most have been admitted to several amazing colleges. Yet the pain of their rejections seems to prevail.

Making Lemonade Out of College Admissions Notifications

This is a time of agonized waiting for many high school seniors. They have submitted their college applications and supporting materials. Now their fate lies in the hands of admissions officers who are busily reading through applications. During this often agonized waiting game, students, families, and schools can use this time wisely. Here are some tips.

Surviving the Waiting Game: Proactive Winter Tips for High ...