Monthly Archives: March 2012

Congratulations for making it this far. You most likely many good colleges options already or on the way, but if you really want to go to a waitlisted school, follow as many of these 10 tips as possible. Do not do this for a school you will not attend. Colleges often take kids off waitlists often who can afford to pay outright, have special connections, fulfill regional needs, or make a spectacular case. Remember, spots only open if the college has available spaces.

Ten Tips to Get Off A College Waitlist

Spring is the time of year when many juniors and their parents start visiting prospective colleges. This is the ideal time of year to visit colleges as they are still in session and you can see authentic college life. By doing an official visit, you also let the colleges know you are serious about the possibility of attending—this is so key for competitive colleges which now value demonstrated interest as a major component of the admissions process.

Tips for a Successful College Visit