Specific College Policies Regarding Undocumented / AB 540 Students
This is a list of colleges and their policies towards undocumented students. We end this list with all major California colleges. These colleges were selected because they promise to offer mostly grant aid (free money!) and limited loans. However, some do not provide this assistance. See the details for each college below. We are still waiting to hear from the college if no information is provided.
Schools with ©s by their name offer some full rides to undocumented students.
Institution | State | Financial Assistance for Undocumented Students |
Amherst College© | Massachusetts | Considered as international students. Comprehensive program of financial aid that provides assistance in the form of scholarships and grants, loans, and student employment. Both freshmen and transfer applicants need to complete the CSS PROFILE and submit income/wage documentation. Aid covers most but not all costs for very few students. 10% are non-U.S. citizens Freshmen and transfers: https://www.amherst.edu/offices/financialaid/international_students/appleton |
Arizona State University | Arizona | No financial aid provided. |
Bard College© | New York | Considered as international students. Grants are awarded on the basis of financial need, academic achievement and promise. Scholarships range from $5,000 to $25,000 for full-time enrollment. File Certification of Finances and International Student Financial Aid Form. |
Bates College© | Maine | Considered as international students. Will meet the full need of the student for the duration of his/her college career if admitted. Must apply for financial aid when applying for admission. Must complete the Bates Financial Statement for International Students and send a Wage Statement from each working parent’s employer. No financial assistance for transfer students. |
Bowdoin College | Maine | Considered as international students. Eligibility for grant assistance is “need-based,” determined through analysis of income, asset and tax information submitted on the CSS Profile and federal income tax returns. Is need blind for domestic, but not for international. Competition for funding is intense and funding is limited. Financial aid is very occasionally available for transfer students and the competition is quite intense http://www.bowdoin.edu/admissions/apply/international-students.shtml |
Brown University© | Rhode Island | Undocumented students interested in receiving need-based financial aid from Brown must indicate their interest in financial aid as part of their admission’s application. If an undocumented student is admitted to Brown and is determined to have financial aid need, then Brown will award the student with Brown financial aid funds to meet their need. These funds could include University need-based scholarship, campus employment and if appropriate, a University loan. Brown is not need blind for undocumented students.If an undocumented student does not indicate on his/her admission’s application that he/she is interested in receiving need-based aid from Brown and is admitted, he/she will not be able to receive need-based financial aid for any of their time at Brown.If an undocumented student is admitted without financial aid, but becomes a US citizen or permanent resident while at Brown, he/she will be able to apply for, and if eligible, received need-based financial aid. How to apply as freshmen: http://www.brown.edu/about/administration/financial-aid/first-year-applicantsHow to apply as transfers: http://www.brown.edu/about/administration/financial-aid/transfer-applicants-fa-policy |
Bryan College | Tennessee | Does not accept undocumented students |
Bryn Mawr College© | Massachusetts | Considered international students. Awards need-based financial aid. Possible to meet 100%of need for freshmen, but partial help for transfers. Complete the CSS Profile or the International Student Financial Aid Application and the Parents’ Income and Tax Documentation. |
Carleton College© | Minnesota | Each year we consider applications from students living in the United States without documentation of U.S. citizenship or legal permanent residency. Because of our limited financial resources, we must consider these undocumented students among all international applicants applying for aid. Undocumented students are eligible for Carleton-based grants and loans. Students with DACA status are considered among all other legal permanent residents and U.S. citizens.Applying for Admission Undocumented students should follow the same admissions application procedures as U.S. citizens and permanent residents who attend high school in the U.S. |
Colby College | Maine | Must apply as international student. Rare for an undocumented student to qualify. |
College of the Holy Cross | Massachusetts | No support provided. |
College of William and Mary | Virginia | Only private loans |
Columbia University© | New York | Assistance for all admitted students. Must complete the CSS International Student Financial Aid Application. Admission is competitive. |
Connecticut University | Connecticut | Must apply as international student. Financial aid, including scholarships and loans, is not available. |
Cornell University© | New York | Provides financial aid on a limited basis to international students. Apply for the aid through a separate application process at the same time that applying for admission: http://www.finaid.cornell.edu/apply-aid/international-applicants |
Dartmouth College© | New Hampshire | Students are considered international. The university meets full need of students with employment, scholarships and/or loans. Freshmen must complete the CSS Profile and the College Board’s Institutional Documentation Service (IDOC). Transfers must complete CSS Profile, Parent’s U.S. tax return and Student’s tax return. |
Davidson College | North Carolina | A limited number of international students receive financial assistance each year. The assistance is based on a combination of financial aid and merit. When applying, make sure to note that you are ‘undocumented’ or a non- U.S. citizen and the citizenship of your birth. Must complete the CSS Profile, the International Student Financial Aid Application and the Certification of Finances. Also pursue the merit-based scholarship opportunities. |
Duke University | North Carolina | No support provided. |
Dominican University© | Illinois | Not considered international students, just undocumented students. Need-based financial aid available. Also eligible for scholarships after they apply for admission. |
Emory University | Georgia | Can apply for merit-based scholarships http://www.emory.edu/FINANCIAL_AID/undergraduates/ |
Fairfield University | Connecticut | Must apply as international student. Unable to award any need-based financial aid this year. A first-year student who applies for admission is automatically considered for a Magis Scholarship (annual award of $20,000 renewable for four years) |
Franklin and Marshall College© | Pennsylvania | Considered international. Submit the school’s International Financial Aid Form when applying for admission. Complete the CSS Profile and Parents’ Tax Returns. |
George Mason University© | Washington, DC | Considered international students. Need-based financial aid available and several merit-based scholarships for freshmen students. |
Georgia Institute of Technology | Georgia | Unable to enroll undocumented students. |
Grinnell College© | Iowa | Considered as international students. Complete the International Student Application for Financial Aid and Scholarships when applying for admission. Does offer financial assistance for transfer students. |
Harvard University© | Massachusetts | Undocumented students must file as international students. All financial aid and scholarships are based on need. Admission is competitive because everyone qualifies for the financial assistance. Need to file the CSS Profile or a paper submission that requires Financial Statement for Students from Foreign Countries, Parent Income Tax Return or Wage Statement, and if necessary a Business/Farm Supplement, Noncustodial Parent Information or the Estate or Trust Tax Return. |
Haverford University | Pennsylvania | Considered international students and eligible for full need-based financial assistance. Only three spots available. Fee waivers available. Complete Profile Application and submit tax returns. http://www.haverford.edu/financialaid/forms.php Financial aid is not available for transfer students. |
Indiana University, Bloomington | Indiana | Considered international students. Eligible only for scholarships when applying for admission. No financial assistance for transfers. |
John Carroll University | Ohio | Only merit aid is awarded. Scholarships ranging from $1,000-$13,000 per year. Submit an application for scholarship at the same time that applying for admission. |
Kalamazoo College© | Michigan | Considered as international students. Eligible for financial assistance and merit-based scholarships. Submit the International Student Financial Aid Application form before applying for admission. |
Kenyon College© | Ohio | Considered international students. Offers financial aid in the form of scholarships, loans and on-campus employment. Does award full rides to some select undocumented students. |
Lafayette College | Pennsylvania | Considered international students. Meets the full demonstrated financial need of international students. Must complete the CSS Profile. |
Lehigh University
Lycoming College© | Pennsylvania
Lycoming: Williamsport, PA | Considered international student. Awards financial aid on the basis of demonstrated need. Merit scholarships may also be awarded on a limited basis. No application is necessary for merit scholarships. Complete the CSS Profile or International Student Financial Aid Application and the Certification of Finances. Transfer students are not eligible for need based or merit based financial aid.Lycoming Policy Considered domestic applicants. https://www.lycoming.edu/admissions/apply/dreamers.aspx
Massachusetts Institute of Technology© | Massachusetts | Considered as international student. Must submit CSS profile and Parents’ Income Tax Return or Wage Statement. Will meet full need-based aid if admitted. |
Miami University | Ohio | Considered out of state students rather than international. All out of state students who apply for admission are considered for a limited number of merit-based scholarships. New admitted transfer students will be considered for merit and need-based scholarships opportunities. |
Michigan State University | Michigan | No financial aid provided. Could be eligible for scholarships through the university. |
Montgomery College© | Maryland | Considered international students. Offers need-based financial aid for freshmen. Should complete the CSS Profile and Parents’ Tax Returns. |
Mount Holyoke College© | Massachusetts | Mount Holyoke College considers undocumented and DACA students for both merit scholarships and need-based financial aid. (All applicants are automatically considered for merit scholarships with their admission application.)To apply for need based financial aid from the College, an applicant who identifies herself as an undocumented or DACA student should follow the application requirements, with the exception of filing the FAFSA, according to her application plan:First Year Transfer Frances Perkins (Nontraditional Age) Current Student An applicant who has not identified herself to Mount Holyoke as an undocumented or DACA student should complete the financial aid application requirements for International applicants.The staff in our office is here to help you throughout the application process and in managing the cost of a Mount Holyoke education. Please contact us with any questions you may have. |
North Carolina State University | North Carolina | No financial aid available for international students. Students may be considered for departmental awards that are not restricted to U.S. citizenship. Possible scholarship opportunities: http://www7.acs.ncsu.edu/financial_aid/schpinternational.html |
Northwestern University © | Illinois | Considered international students. Only need-based financial assistance available when applying for admission under Regular Decision. Admission decisions are need-aware, not need-blind. Complete the CSS Profile and Parents’ tax return. No financial aid available for transfer students. |
Oberlin College© | Ohio | Students are considered international. Meets the full demonstrated financial need of every admitted student through a combination of grants, loans, and money earned through student employment. (Package covers about three-quarters of the cost of attendance) Less than 15% of applicants are admitted each year. Must indicate on application for admission that wants to be considered for financial aid. Must complete a CSS profile and Certification of Finances. |
Princeton University© | New Jersey | Considered international students. Full support provided! Admission is need-blind. Aid is awarded solely on basis of need. Need is met through grants, scholarships, other sources or campus jobs. Application fee waivers available. Admission is competitive. Submit the Princeton Financial Aid Application (PFAA): http://www.princeton.edu/pr/aid/pdf/PU-aid-appl-info.pdf |
Reed College© | Oregon | Considered international students. Offers financial aid to approximately 20 to 25 students in need-based. Should complete the CSS Profile and IDOC documentation. |
Ripon College | Wisconsin | Apply as international student. Eligible for merit-based scholarships. Complete and submit the Certification of Finances and include an official, notarized financial statement to this form. Eligible for an on campus job, which helps to pay for the education. Merit Based Scholarship: up to $15,000 Performance/Recognition Scholarships: up to $5,000 each (4 scholarships available) |
Rice University | Texas | Considered International students and eligible for merit-based scholarships. |
Sacred Heart University | Connecticut | No support provided |
South Texas University | Texas | No support provided |
Swarthmore College© | Pennsylvania | Considered domestic students. Review all undocumented students as domestic applicants, need-blind, and meets 100% of their need, so no loans. |
Tufts University | Massachusetts | Financial assistance awarded the same as international students but only on the basis of demonstrated need. Apply for the aid when applying for admission. Complete the CSS Profile, and once admitted, must submit the International Student Certification of Finances. |
University of Arizona | Arizona | No support provided |
University of Chicago | Illinois | International students are only eligible for financial aid if they apply for support during the admission process. Complete the International Student Financial Aid Application and the UChicago Aid Application. Eligible for merit-based scholarships. Transfer students are not eligible for any financial assistance. https://collegeadmissions.uchicago.edu/costs/international.shtml |
University of Connecticut | Connecticut | No support provided |
University of Florida | Florida | No need-based financial aid |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Illinois | No support provided |
University of Louisville | Kentucky | No support provided |
University of Maryland, College Park | Maryland | No support provided |
University of Michigan , Ann Arbor | Michigan | No support provided |
University of Minnesota | Minnesota | Does not offer financial aid to international students. Does offer a limited number of Global Excellence Scholarships for freshmen and transfers. No separate scholarship application is required. Does offer thousands of on- and off-campus student employment options. |
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | North Carolina | Considered International Student. Will consider the admissions application for any available merit scholarships. |
University of Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania | Only need-based financial aid is awarded when admitted. (Committed to meeting 100% of student’s determined need without loans. Complete the Penn Financial Aid Supplement, the CSS Profile, and the Parents’ and Student’s Tax Returns. |
University of Puget Sound© | Washington | Considered as international students. Does offer need-based financial aid for freshmen students. Must complete CSS Profile and Certification of Finances. |
University of Rochester | New York | No support provided |
University of Tennessee | Tennessee | No support provided |
University of Vermont | Vermont | No support provided |
University of Virginia | Virginia | No financial aid provided. But there are a few merit-based scholarships. http://www.virginia.edu/undergradadmission/answers.html#aid |
University of Washington | Washington | No support provided |
Vassar College© | New York | Undocumented students are accepted and helped the same and on the basis of those that are international students. Complete CSS Profile, Institutional Documentation Service (IDOC) and Tax Returns: http://admissions.vassar.edu/finaid-docs/regular_decision_Int_D0C991.pdf |
Washington University in St. Louis© | Missouri | Provides financial assistance for freshmen and transfer international students. Assistance is based on achievement, potential, and need. Submit either CSS Profile or Washington University Family Financial Profile for International Applicants: http://admissions.wustl.edu/FinancialAssistance/international/Pages/default.aspx |
Wellesley College©
Wentworth Institute of Technology | Massachusetts
Wentworth: Boston, MA | Considers international students. Meets need of limited students. If you are an undocumented or DACA student and have questions about applying to Wellesley, please feel free to contact the Admission or Student Financial Services Offices directly at admission@wellesley.edu or sfs@wellesley.edu. You may also reach the Admission Office by phone at 781-283-2270 or the Student Financial Services Office by phone at 781-283-3946. Read more at http://www.wellesley.edu/admission/faq#undocumented#YyMwAc0DhClee4eU.99 Wentworth Policy Must qualify for internships. Need to contact Wentworth. Considered for merit scholarships. https://wit.edu/admissions-aid/undergraduate-admissions/admissions-requirements/international-admissions/deferred-action-childhood-arrivals |
Wesleyan University© | Connecticut | Considered international students. Award financial assistance solely on the basis of financial need. Can offer assistance to approximately 15 international students. Submit the CSS Profile and Parents’ verification of income. No financial aid for transfer students. |
Williams College© | Massachusetts | Does provide need-based aid if admitted. Must apply as international students. Apply for the aid when applying for admission. Complete CSS Profile and Parents’ Tax Returns: http://web.williams.edu/admin/finaid/apply/international-prospective-us/ |
Whitman College© | Washington | Does offer approximately 20 scholarships to international applicants. Scholarships based upon academic and extra-curricular achievement and financial need. Does not regularly offer to transfer students. Awards range between $2,500 and $45,000. Financial aid only available for students applying for the fall semester using the Regular Decision process. Must fill out the CSS Profile. |
Yale University© | Connecticut | 100% of demonstrated need will be met. Both freshmen and transfers: Complete Yale Financial Aid Application, CSS Profile, and Parents’ Tax Returns. |
California Universities | Financial Assistance for Undocumented Students | |
Azusa Pacific University | CA | Can apply for merit-based scholarships which are based on SAT and GPA. Can receive more than one scholarship, if qualified. |
California Institute of Technology© | CA | Need based aid given if admitted. Must apply as international student. Admission is competitive. |
Claremont McKenna College© | CA | Considered as international students. The average aid award for an international student is $23,000. Must submit the CSS Profile and the Financial Certification Form. Merit scholarships are awarded to international students and range from $10,000 to full tuition. Submit the college supplement when applying for admission. |
Dominican University of California© | California | Considered AB540 students. Financial assistance is provided, but no full need is met for either freshmen or transfer students. Should submit the AB540 student form when applying for the assistance. |
Fresno Pacific University© | CA | Considered as international students. Offers several scholarships:http://www.fresno.edu/sharedmedia/departments/ipso/IELP_cost_sheet.pdf |
Harvey Mudd College© | CA | Considered international students. Should apply for need-based financial aid when applying for admission. Will also be considered for some merit-based scholarships at the time of admission. Should submit the CSS Profile, Certification of Finances, and IDOC documents. Transfer students are very unlikely to receive financial assistance. |
Loyola Marymount University© | CA | Not eligible for financial aid. Eligibility for scholarships can be based on academic merit, leadership, and/or talent. 5 AB540 full rides awarded per year. Will consider transfer students. All applicants for admission are automatically considered. |
Mills College© | CA | Considered international students. Offers a variety of merit scholarships ranging from $5,000 to full tuition. |
Mount St. Mary’s College | CA | Considered as international students. Only partial scholarships for freshmen students. |
Occidental College© | CA | Considered international students. Provides 100% of demonstrated need to international or domestic students. Each year Occidental is only able to fully fund 2 to 4 international students. Should apply for aid at the time of admission. Explain any unusual expenses, debt, or special circumstances on the Certification of Finances and complete the International Student Financial Aid Application. |
Pepperdine University | CA | Considered international students. No need-based aid offered. But some academic scholarships available for both freshmen and transfers. |
Pitzer College© | CA | Offers one renewable scholarship (tuition, fees, room & board) for admitted AB540. Requirements are: not permanent resident or UC citizen and born in Latin American country, attended CA HS for 4 yrs, min. 3.5 GPA, extracurricular and leadership activities, must be nominated by HS counselor |
Pomona College© | CA | Apply as a regular student. Not considered an international student. Several full rides awarded per year. Submit the CSS Profile, Certification of Finances, and International Student Application of Financial Aid. |
Santa Clara University© | CA | Considered international students. Financial aid is not available. But does offer 15 full ride scholarships for freshmen and transfer students. Very competitive but the most slots available at any California college. |
Stanford University© | CA | Students are met with full need and should apply as international students. But the financial aid is need-aware. Indicate the need of financial assistance on the admission application. Submit CSS Profile, Certification of Finances, and International Student Financial Aid Application. |
Soka University | CA | Unable to offer admission, unless the applicant is willing to apply for permanent residency or exit the U.S. and apply for the appropriate F-1 student visa to re-enter the U.S. http://www.soka.edu/admission_aid/AB-540Undocumented-Students.aspx |
University of Redlands | CA | No support provided |
University of Southern California | CA | Considered international students. No need-based aid or application fee waivers, but merit scholarships available. |

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