Fall 2011 Diversity College Visits.-Updated October 12
(New Additions-Brandeis, Franklin and Marshall, Lewis & Clark, Pomona, and Trinity College)
Many colleges are hosting diversity college visits this fall. Some deadlines have passed, but if you’re interested still APPLY.
Each program below is for diverse high school seniors graduating in 2012.
*(D)= The college has a diversity weekend that covers all costs. These programs are competitive and require applications.
* = The college can cover expenses for traditional weekend programs.
(D) = diversity weekend with no transportation costs.
Diversity College Weekends
*(D) Amherst College
Amherst, Massachusetts
Program: Diversity Open-house Weekends: September 24-26, October 15-17
- Application deadlines: Priority- August 1. Regular- August 12 (Applications continue being accepted until Sept and Oct programs are filled)
- To get application: Leykia D. Brill, MS.Ed., Associate Dean of Admission/Coordinator of Diversity Outreach
- ldbrill@amherst.edu ; 413-542-2328
- For more information, visit https://www.amherst.edu/admission/diversity/divoh
* (D) Barnard College
New York, New York
Program: Barnard Bound, Oct 23-24, 2011
- Application deadline: September 19, 2011
- For more info/To get application: contact Rebeca Palacio
- Must be nominated by guidance counselor.
- Program Contacts: Jess Lee
Associate Director of Admissions
Barnard College
3009 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
Phone 212-854-2014
jlee@barnard.edu - For general inquiries, you may also email admissions@barnard.edu
*(D) Bates College
Lewiston, Maine
Program: Prologue to Bates: October 9-11 or November 13-15
- Application deadline: September 8, 2011 for October 9-11 Visit.
- Application deadline: October 13, 2011 for November 13-15 Visit.
- You can find the application at: http://home.bates.edu/admission/prologue/
- For more information contact Luis C. Martinez, Assistant Dean of Admissions at: lmartinez@bates.edu 207-786-6000
- Scholarships are offered to students who apply for a travel scholarship on the application. (Note: your guidance counselor must recommend you for the scholarship on the letter of rec)
(D) Beloit College
St. Beloit, Wisconsin
Program: Autumn Visit Days: Oct 9 & 10, Oct 29, and Multicultural Open House: November 6 & 7, 2011
- Online registration will be available six weeks in advance of each event. Make sure to register. http://www.beloit.edu/prospective/visit/visitdayprograms
- For more information, email Robin Hamilton: hamiltonr@beloit.edu
*(D) Brandeis University
Waltham, Massachusetts
Program: SEED-Students Exploring and Embracing Diversity: November 12-13
- Application deadlines: October 14. Students notified on rolling basis
- Fill out SEED application form. Then submit copy of most recent high school transcript by email, fax, or mail. http://www.brandeis.edu/admissions/SEED/
- Students go to special program on 12th and then spend night and attend Fall Preview Day.
- Full and partial travel scholarships provided. All meals and night in dorm covered.
- Preference to first-generation, under-represented students. Must be US citizen or permanent resident to be eligible to attend.
- Email: jriv@brandeis.edu
- Fax: 781-736-3536
- Mail: Brandeis University, Undergraduate Admissions, MS 003, 415 South Street, Waltham, MA 02454
*Bryn Mawr
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
Program: Bryn Mawr by Day Program – Friday November 11
- Application Deadline: Tuesday, September 27th at 5:00 EST.
- Travel Scholar Applications will be available late August for students who for financial reasons are unable to afford to attend Bryn Mawr. More information to follow.
- Students should sign up for our mailing list to ensure that they receive the information. https://secure.brynmawr.edu/request_information/admissions.shtml
- Program is intended only for high school seniors, women only, no transfers.
- Contact: Ms. Nate Hall; nhall02@brynmawr.edu
- Associate Director of Admissions
Team Lead for Campus Programs - Bryn Mawr College
101 North Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
610-526-5151 – phone
610-526-7471 – fax
* Bucknell University
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
- Program: Fall Open House, Oct 6, 14, 24, 2011
- Registration will be available late Summer
- To register, search date on Visitation calendar and click on event to find the link to the app: http://www.bucknell.edu/script/Admissions/VisitationCalendar/
- To register, fill out form at http://www.bucknell.edu/x37156.xml
2. Other visits: Visitation Calendar has other types of visits listed for each date. Click on the visit for information on how to register
- Travel aid may be offered upon request
(D) Carleton College
Northfield, Minnesota
Program: Taste of Carleton, October 27-29
- Apply :
- Out-of-State Application (non-Minnesota residents) (Deadline: September 23)
- Minnesota Application (Minnesota residents) (Deadline: October 3)
- Mail applications to:
- Carleton College
Office of Admissions
100 South College Street
Northfield, MN 55057 - Questions? Concerns?
- Contact Carla Zelada or Stefani Tran at 800-995-2275 or email toc@carleton.edu. If finances are hardship, contact Ms. Zelada to help cover costs.
- For more information visit: https://apps.carleton.edu/admissions/visit/TOC/
- August 5 was deadline for counselors to nominate someone.
*(D) Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Program: Celebration of Diversity Weekend, Nov 12-14
- Registration Deadline is Oct 27.
- Requirements: have at least a 3.3 GPA on an unweighted 4.0 scale and at least a combined SAT score of 1700 or ACT score of 25.
- Registration will be available online mid Sept: http://www.cmu.edu/enrollment/admission/cod/register.html
- Note: There is a fee of $50 when registering. If you believe you qualify for a fee waiver, contact the admissions office and ask to speak to the event’s coordinator: (412) 268-2082
- Students with financial need: You may qualify for travel assistance, if you meet the requirements. Please indicate your need for travel assistance when registering.
- Visit http://www.cmu.edu/enrollment/admission/cod/travel.html for further conditions for receiving travel assistance.
- Contact the Admissions Office if you have any questions or visit http://www.cmu.edu/enrollment/admission/cod/index.html
*Colgate University
Hamilton, New York
Program: Multicultural Open house, October 23-24
- Application must be received no later than October 7
- You can find the application here: http://offices.colgate.edu/admission/Open%20House/Open%20House%20Application%202011.htm and you will be notified of your admission to the event via email.
- Space is limited and applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, so apply ASAP.
- If you have any questions, visit http://www.colgate.edu/admission/diversity or contact the Office of Admission at (315) 228-7401 or via e-mail at admission@colgate.edu.
- Travel assistance available for a limited number of students who demonstrate need. Indicate need on application. If you have any further questions regarding travel assistance, contact the ALANA Cultural Center at 315 228 7330
*(D) Colorado College
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Program: Multicultural Open House, November 10-12
- Application Deadline: Oct 10
- Application can be found here, https://coloradocollege.edu.185r.net/survey/?c=&id=252
- If you are accepted to attend the event, Colorado College will pay your transportation expenses (airfare or mileage or gas) up to $500. If you travel with one or both of your parents, we offer an additional subsidy, of up to $500, for their transportation expenses and provide complimentary accommodations at a nearby hotel.
- If you have any questions, please contact Anna Jaquez, Assistant Director of Admission at: (719) 389-6944 or Carlos Jimenez, Assistant Director of Admission at: (719) 389-6054.
- For more info, visit http://www.coloradocollege.edu/admission/visiting/MulticulturalOpenHouse.asp
*(D) Connecticut College
New London, Connecticut
Program: Explorer Weekend Nov 12-14, 2011
- Application postmark deadline is Oct 14
- You can find the application here: http://www.conncoll.edu/AdmissionDocs/Explore_2011.pdf
- For more info, contact: Djiara Meehan, Associate Director of Admission and Coordinator of Multicultural Admission
- Office of Admission
Tel: 888-553-8760 - email: djiara.meehan@conncoll.edu
- Office of Admission
- Contact Dijara also regarding travel assistance. Aid is limited, so call ASAP.
*(D) Dartmouth
Programs: Dartmouth Bound-Summer Program, July 31-August 3
Native American Community, October 2-5
· Deadlines-Summer Program: May 19, 2011; Native American: August 15. Native American Community: August 15, 2011
- Information: http://www.dartmouth.edu/admissions/bound/apply.html
- If you have further questions, please call us at 1-800-860-1294 and press 6 to speak with a member of our staff, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time, or email Bound@Dartmouth.edu
- To apply to our Dartmouth Bound programs:
- Download a copy of the application
- Complete the application in full
- Email, fax, or post the completed application to the Office of Admissions
- Have your high school send a copy of your transcript
- Submit a letter of recommendation from a counselor, teacher or mentor
- Native American Community program applicants need to submit the supplement form and essay
*(D) Franklin and Marshall College
Lancaster, PA
Program: Collegiate Leadership Summit- April 4-5, October 24-25 (Fall Session 1), and November 14-15 (Fall Session 2)
- Students must be nominated to apply and participate.
- The nomination deadline for the Spring Session program is Saturday, March 12, 2011.
- The nomination deadline for the Fall Session 1 program is Saturday, October 2, 2011.
- The nomination deadline for the Fall Session 2 program is Saturday, October 22, 2011.
- Nomination Process
- Counselors, teachers, or staff members of community organizations may nominate Counselors, teachers, or staff members of community organizations may nominate students by using the online form. http://forms.fandm.edu/mach/view.php?id=77
- For more information, visit www.fandm.edu/summit or contact Chiquita Geldorp at Chiquita.geldorp@fandm.edu or 717-291-4190
*(D)George Washington University
Washington, DC
Program: Multicultural Open Houses (Oct 20 & 21)
- Deadline for Travel Grants: October 3.
- To register, visit: https://gwapplication.gwu.edu/login/login.cfm%20 and create an account, then RSVP to this event.
- If you require travel assistance, please indicate the need when registering. There is a limited number of travel assistance scholarships. GW will provide a limited number of travel assistance scholarships. You can access the Travel Grant Application here.
- For more information, visit: http://www.gwu.edu/apply/undergraduateadmissions/visitgw/openhousesevents/multiculturalopenhouses
*(D) Grinnell College
Grinnell, Iowa
Program: Diversity Preview Program, Oct 27-29
- Application Deadline: Sept 9
- For more info and for the application, visit http://www.grinnell.edu/admission/visit/gdpp
- OR call the Office of Admission at 800-247-0113 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (central).
*(D) Gustavus Adolpus
St. Peter, MN
Program: Fly-in Program. December 4-6, February 12-14, and March 25-27
- Applications Deadlines: November 1 for December, January 15 for February, and March 1 for March.
- Application: http://admission.gustavus.edu/activecampus/admin/ckfinder/userfiles/files/Fly%20in%20program%202011%20application%281%29.pdf
*(D) Hamilton College
Clinton, New York
Program: Diversity Overnight, Oct 2-3, Nov 6-7
- Deadline: September 12, 2011
- Prospective seniors can apply in the beginning of their fall semester by completing the application at: http://www.hamilton.edu/admission/diversityovernight
- Contact Associate Dean of Students for Diversity and Accessibility; 315-859-4021
- diversity@hamilton.edu
- Contact Brianna Felton regarding travel aid bfelton@hamilton.edu
*(D) Harvey Mudd College
Claremont, CA
Program: Fall Future Achievers in Science and Technology Program (FAST): September 16-17
- Deadline: August 15
- http://www.hmc.edu/admission1/admissiondocs/Fall%20FAST%20Application.pdf
- Information on program that covers all costs, including transportation, lodging,, and food and exposes students to life on campus, to lab and class visits and provide interviews, and workshops on admissions. Participants receive a fee waiver to apply to HMC. www.hmc.edu/fastprogram
- For more information about this and the upcoming Spring FAST program for juniors, contact Falone Serna at Falone.Serna@hmc.edu
(D) College of Holy Cross
Worcester, Massachusetts
Program: Fall Open House, Oct 23 and Nov 13
- Advance online registration required. You can register by visiting http://admissions.holycross.edu/visiting/fall-open-houses/registration
(D) Program: Perspectives Overnight Program, October 22-24
- Deadline is September 18
- Application and more info available at http://admissions.holycross.edu/visiting/additional-opportunities/perspectives
*(D) Illinois Wesleyan University-Last April 7-9
Bloomington, Illinois
(D) Program: Multicultural Weekend, April 7-9
*(D) Kalamazoo College
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Program: Crash the Campus, Nov 6-7
- Deadline to submit application is Oct 21
- Application found online and should become available Mid August: http://kzoo.edu/admission/?p=crash
- At least half of your travel costs will be subsidized. If you would like to be considered for a full travel subsidy, please have your counselor give you a copy of a college application fee waiver (from NACAC, ACT or similar source), which will then be applied to your Kalamazoo College application.
- For more information, call (269) 337-7166
*(D) Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio
Program: Cultural Connections, November 12-14 or December 4-5
- Deadline: register 2 weeks prior to event.
- Register ASAP. Space is limited.
- To register, call 800 848 2468 (ask for Kim Totman)
- Also, check out Kenyon’s Trustee Opportunity Travel grant for Travel aid: http://www.kenyon.edu/x1697.xml
- Also a visit day for Juniors. Visit Day for Juniors – Saturday, March 24, 2012
(*D) Lehigh University
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Program: Diversity Achievers Program (DAP), Oct 23-24
- Application Deadline is Tues, Sept 20.
- Students must be invited to the event.
- If you are not on the university’s mailing list already, please join it by submitting your info here: http://www4.lehigh.edu/admissions/undergrad/mail
- There is no guarantee that you will be invited. Invitations will be mailed soon with links to downloadable forms that must be completed.
- Required Items to submit:
- DAP Application: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/T22FYC5
- (Unofficial) transcript
- SAT/ACT results
- Personal Essay (option to submit it in the online application): Describe how you plan to contribute to a diverse campus community
- Counselor Evaluation
- Overnight Agreement
- Student Response Form
http://www4.lehigh.edu/admissions/undergrad/visit/dap.aspx or call (610) 758-3102.
*(D) Lewis & Clark College
Portland, Oregon
Program: L.E.A.D. program, November 13-15
- Application Deadline: Wednesday, September 28, 2011
- Who: Students who are leaders in their schools and communities and those who have a demonstrated interest in learning more about Lewis & Clark College. Preference will be given to underrepresented students of color and first generation college students.
- What: Visit campus at the College’s expense, meet current students and faculty, participate in leadership development activities, sit in on classes, spend the night in a residence hall, taste the food, have an admissions interview, and experience life at Lewis & Clark College firsthand.
- For more information: https://college.lclark.edu/offices/admissions/multicultural_recruitment/lead/
- You must turn in:
* L.E.A.D. Application Form
* Official High School Transcript, including 9-11
* Teacher Recommendation
* Resume of Leadership Activities
* Essay describing a time you demonstrated leadership (250-500 words) - If you have questions, please e-mail Lauren Brown, Admissions Counselor, at lbrown@lclark.edu or call her at 800-444-4111.
*(D) Miami University (Ohio)
Oxford, OH
Program: Bridges at Miami University, Oct 23-24, Nov 6-7, or 13-14
- Applications are due September 16
- For more info and application requirements: http://www.miami.muohio.edu/admission/admission/high-school/bridges
- Requires an application, counselor recommendation, and transcripts. Application: https://survey.muohio.edu/Checkbox/BridgesApplication2011.aspx. Counselor form: http://www.miami.muohio.edu/documents/admission/high-school/bridges/Counselor_Recommend_11.pdf
- All expenses paid (transportation for core airports, meals, lodging, entertainment)
- Participants who complete program and apply and are accepted to Miami receive a partial four year scholarship to attend Miami.
- Office of Admission
Attn: Tina Carico
Miami University
301 S. Campus Ave.
Oxford, OH 45056Email: outreach@muohio.edu
Fax: 513-529-0680
Include a fax cover sheet with your full name and the subject line, “Bridges Program”
*(D) Middlebury College
Middlebury, Vermont
Program: Discover Middlebury, Oct 16-18
- Application Deadline is Sept 16.
- The application can be found at http://www.middlebury.edu/admissions/visit/programs/discoverymiddlebury2011
- If you have any questions, please call 802-443-3000 or visit http://www.middlebury.edu/admissions/visit/programs
- You can also email Jean Lin (jlin@middlebury.edu) or slindo(Shanta Lindo)
*(D) Mt. Holyoke College
South Hadley, Massachusetts, All Women’s College
Program: Focus on Diversity. Nov 6-7
- Please register here: http://www.mtholyoke.edu/admission/diversity_registration.html
- You can also register for Transportation to the event at: http://www.mtholyoke.edu/admission/diversity_registration.html
- For more information, visit http://www.mtholyoke.edu/admission/diversity.html or contact the Admissions Office at 413 538 2023
* (D) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Program: Hispanic/Latino Student Recruitment Day, Sep 16-17
- For more information, visit http://www.unc.edu/diversity/hispanicrecruit.htm in early Sept. No information is yet posted.
- Please contact the Multicultural Programs Coordinator Josmell Perez, B.A. Email: josmell@unc.edu; Phone: 919-843-5517
*(D) Oberlin College and Conservatory
Oberlin, Ohio
Program: Multicultural Visit Program, Oct 6-8, Nov 10-12, & Dec 1-3 (SAT date)
- Must be a student of color, interested in a liberal arts Education
- Application is due
Sept 9 for Oct dates
Oct 14 for Nov dates
Nov 4 for Dec dates
- Completed and signed Counselor Form
- High School Transcript (unofficial copies are acceptable)
- SAT / ACT / PSAT Scores
- Statement of Financial Responsibility
- The application consists of multiple parts:
- The application form, which can be found here: https://hera.cc.oberlin.edu/coladm/mvp/app.html
- For more information, visit https://hera.cc.oberlin.edu/coladm/registration/mvp.php
or contact 800-622-OBIE (6243) 8:30am – 5pm EST or multicultural.admissions@oberlin.edu
*(D) Pomona College
Claremont, California
Program: Fall Weekend at Pomona College, Oct 7-10 and Nov 11-14
- Application Deadlines: for October 7-10: September 9
- Application Deadlines for November 11-14: October 11
- To get Interest Form: email Malisha Richardson, Assistant Dean of Admissions or Natalie Robinson, program coordinator
- malisha.richardson@pomona.edu or natalie.robinson@pomona.edu ; 909.607.3028
- You may access the form online through the following link:
- http://www.pomona.edu/admissions/files/fall-weekend-interest.pdf
- If you need a travel grant, the interest form includes a form to request that funding.
*University of Puget Sound
Tacoma, Washington
Program: Fall Campus Day, Sept 24, 2011
- Registration open through morning of Sept 24. But register ASAP.
- To register for Fall Campus Day: http://www.pugetsound.edu/admission/fall-campus-day/
- Visit this page for other campus visits http://www.pugetsound.edu/admission/visit/
- Travel aid offered upon request. Please call admissions office. 253.879.3211 or 800.396.7191.
*(D) Reed College
Portland, Oregon
Program: Multicultural Scholars Preview Days, November10-12
- Application Deadline: Oct 1
- For more information: http://www.reed.edu/apply/mspd/details.html
- You must also turn in:
- Essay Please write an essay on your desire to attend Reed College’s Multicultural Scholar Preview Days and attach it to your application (250 words minimum).
- High School Transcript (unofficial copy is acceptable)
- SAT, ACT or PSAT Scores
- If you have any questions, call 1-800-547-4750
*(D-Bus Only) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, New York
Program: Science, Technology, Arts at Rensselaer (STAR), Oct 13-15
- No deadline for applying provided.
- Apply to this program here: https://apply-undergrad.rpi.edu/register/?id=05689856c48f46dca5a2a75dd71d6d57
- For more info (travel, etc), visit http://admissions.rpi.edu/STAR/or call the Admissions Office at (518) 276-6216
- NO FLY-INS. Only bus transportation.
*(D) Scripps College
Claremont, California, All Women’s College
Program: Multicultural Outreach: Discover Scripps, Sept 25-26
- Deadline to submit online application is August 29.
- Link to application: https://scrippscollege.edu.185r.net/survey/index.php?time=2009-09-21%2009:00:00&filter=&id=124&timeID=151
- Travel Grants are available for students who live more than 150 miles away and who need financial assistance getting to campus. Indicate need for travel assistance on application.
- For more info, visit: http://www.scrippscollege.edu/admission/discover-scripps.php
*(D) Smith College
Northampton, Massachusetts
Program: Women of Distinction, Nov 11-13
- Application must be received by Sept 23.
- Applicants will be notified via phone call and via letter by early October.
- Electronic applications will be available online http://www.smith.edu/admission/wod/
- For more information, visit http://www.smith.edu/admission/wod/
- Contact Deanna Dixon, Assistant Director of Admission and WOD program coordinator at ddixon@smith.edu with any further questions.
*St. Ambrose University
Davenport, Iowa
Program: Fall Open Houses- October 10, October 21, October 28, November 5, November 11, 2011
- The application for undergraduate admissions can be filled out at www.sau.edu/apply. The application is free and requires no essay. Once students are accepted they can register for an overnight visit at www.sau.edu/visit or call 563/333-6300
- To register: http://www.sau.edu/Undergraduate_Admissions/Get_to_Know_Us/Visit_SAU/Fall_Open_House_Visits/Registration.html
- For more information about visiting the campus, contact Vicki Hruby, our campus visit coordinator, 800-383-2627 or 563-333-6300.
- Travel aid offered upon request. Please contact Vicki Hruby.
- Above dates not applicable to transfer students (unless they are transferring into 2nd semester freshman year). Transfers at the sophomore level or higher who want to do an overnight visit can call 563/333-6300 and ask to speak with their transfer admissions counselor.
*(D) Swarthmore College
Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
Program: Discover Swarthmore! Sept 24-26, 2011
- Note: Applications for this program will be accepted until Friday, Aug 15.
- For application, visit: http://www.swarthmore.edu/admissions/discovery_app.phpand apply ASAP.
- For more information about this event, visit http://www.swarthmore.edu/x6252.xml.
- School will cover all expenses of students invited to the event.
*(D) Trinity College
Hartford, Connecticut
Program: Preview Weekend: November 6-7, 2011
- Application Deadline: Monday, October 17, 2011
- Download applications: http://www.trincoll.edu/StudentLife/Diversity/Documents/PreviewApplication.pdf
- Program Contact: Anthony Berry, Senior Associate Director of Admission/Coordinator of Multicultural Recruitment (Anthony.berry@trincoll.edu) 860-297-2177
- For more information please visit: http://www.trincoll.edu/StudentLife/Diversity/Pages/Preview.aspx
*(D) Tufts University
Medford, Massachusetts
Program: Voices of Tufts: The Diversity Experience, Oct 27-28
- Application deadline is Friday, October 14 at 5 p.m. EST.
- Students must register first on website, create an account, and click on Voices Program. http://admissions.tufts.edu/?pid=168&c=180
- Some travel grants paid. All expenses on campus covered.
- Application requires essay and guidance counselor must provide recommendation.
- If you have questions about the program, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 617-627-3170 and ask to speak with the Voices program officer of the day.
*University of Vermont
Burlington, Vermont
Program: Discovering UVM, October16–18, October 23–25, & November 6–8
- Deadline for application: Sep 30 for Oct 16-18; Oct 7 for Oct 23-25, Oct 21 for Nov 6-8
- Application consists of:
- Parental Consent form
- High school transcript signed by guidance counselor
- Recommendation from guidance counselor or teacher
- Travel Grant, if applying for one
- Completed Application
- You can apply for a travel grant in the form for the application.
- If you have any questions, contact John Austin at 802-656-2915
- Or email: John.Austin@uvm.edu
- You can find the application here: http://www.uvm.edu/admissions/undergraduate/visiting/?Page=discover.html
- Application must be mailed to:
University of Vermont, Office of Admissions
194 South Prospect St Burlington, Vermont 05401
*(D-Groups) Washington & Lee University
Lexington, Virginia
Program: Multicultural Recruitment Events: October 9-11, November 10-12 and January 15-17.
- Seniors must submit final junior year transcript, senior year schedule and SAT or ACT scores (all can be unofficial) to Erin Hutchinson for consideration.
- Information can be faxed to 540-458-8062 or emailed to ehutchinson@wlu.edu.
- Fly-ins only available for groups of minority, low-income students, not individuals.
*Wesleyan College
Middletown, Connecticut
Program: Fall Open House Oct 10, Nov 11
- Deadlines: September 23 for October 10 and October 21 for November 11
- Visit http://wesleyan.edu/admission/visiting_campus/open_house.html for more info.
- Make sure to look into the Transportation Assistance Program for travel aid (only for Open House) http://wesleyan.edu/admission/visiting_campus/travel_assistance.html
- Application=: http://www.wesleyan.edu/admission/soc/form.html
- If you have questions about the Transportation Assistance Program, please contact tap@wesleyan.edu
Program: Overnight Stays
- Program operates mid-September through the beginning of December, Sun- Thurs.
- To arrange your visit, call Loreen Carta at (860) 685-2974 or Laura McQueeney at (860) 685-2972. For more info, go to http://wesleyan.edu/admission/visiting_campus/overnight_stays.html
*(D) Whitman College
Walla Walla, Washington
Program: Visit Scholarship Program, Fall Visitors’ Day II, November 10-12
- Application Submission Period- August 1-September 30.
- After August 1st, please complete the online application.
- The application is available here: www.whitman.edu/admission/vsp
- Limited event: approximately 85 students
- Other dates are available if those dates don’t work out. There are spring dates available for juniors.
- For more info, contact Esther Weathers weatheec@whitman.edu
*(D) Williams College
Williamstown, Massachusetts
Program: Windows on Williams (WOW)-September 22-24 or October 13-15
- Application Deadline: July 1st Priority Deadline. August 18th General deadline.
- Contact: Ahmmad Brown (aab2@williams.edu) for an application
Ahmmad Brown
Diversity Recruitment Director
Williams College
33 Stetson Court
Williamstown, MA 01267
Phone: (413) 597-2211
Fax: (413) 597-4052

Yessss. Thank you so much, this is really helpful!
*(D) Lewis & Clark College — current!
Portland, Oregon
Program: L.E.A.D. program, November 13-15
Who: Students who are leaders in their schools and communities and those who have a demonstrated interest in learning more about Lewis & Clark College. Preference will be given to underrepresented students of color and first generation college students.
What: Visit campus at the College’s expense, meet current students and faculty, participate in leadership development activities, sit in on classes, spend the night in a residence hall, taste the food, have an admissions interview, and experience life at Lewis & Clark College firsthand.
Application Deadline: Wednesday, September 28, 2011
For more information: https://college.lclark.edu/offices/admissions/multicultural_recruitment/lead/
You must turn in:
* L.E.A.D. Application Form
* Official High School Transcript, including 9-11
* Teacher Recommendation
* Resume of Leadership Activities
* Essay describing a time you demonstrated leadership (250-500 words)
If you have questions, please e-mail Lauren Brown, Admissions Counselor, at lbrown@lclark.edu or call her at 800-444-4111.
Thank you!!!!!!! This will help me with all the colleges I’m interested in!!!
Thanks a lot.
I applied to Cornell’s diversity program and got accepted!
It wasn’t on this list and the deadline has passed, so I recommend adding it to the list for next year.
CORNELL DHW program!
Alexis. Could you get me info on the weekend so I can use it next year. I can’t find it on the Cornell site…Thanks.
I forgot to say that this program is for engineering.
It was great. I loved it.
The program is called Cornell Diversity Hosting Weekend
From what I heard, those that went to Cornell and had travel grants went at no cost. Everything was also covered by Cornell.
Can you get me info as I wrote to them and they never replied…Dates, contact info…follow format of my entries.
Can you get me info that follows my format as I emailed them and never got a response.
Great list. Figures that the elite schools would be the ones who can afford to do this. I’d love to receive a breakdown of this list by application deadline, if you have such a document.
Many thanks for creating and publishing this list.
Thanks to your help Ms. Joseph, we have compiled a grand database of Open Houses and Diversity Programs for more than 60 colleges nationwide!
Can you check my current list and see if I’m missing any programs explicitly for diverse students.
Thank you…this is a wonderful resource! I will use it again next year!
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I visit everyday some websites and blogs to read articles, but this blog provides quality based articles.
Thank you so much for taking the time to compile this list! As a rising junior, I am extremely grateful!
This fell from heaven ! Thank you so much ! Soooooo much help !