Summer is coming, and college readiness does not stop for your students, especially those entering their senior years and going off to college. Here are some tips for ending the school year and helping you and your students use their summers well.
college freshman
I’ve been living at Sarah Lawrence College for 7 weeks now and I sit here typing this while simultaneously blasting the Chili Peppers out my laptop it finally struck me— really struck me; I have complete control over my experience here. It is completely up to me to make this worth it.
The Three Convergents of College Life
It is now 12:47am (October 5th) and I am currently working on a paper that is due in two days, well technically tomorrow because it is now Tuesday. If I ever feel that I just have to much work to do, I usually come to the lounge where I can get some homework done while surrounded by others that are focused on their homework... As the phrase goes "monkey see, monkey do" and that is what helps me get into the mindset of working on homework.