Jennifer and Michelle advise students to get help with essays from teachers, counselors, and friends. You shouldn't wait to the last minute but no matter what take these essays seriously!!!
Monthly Archives: November 2010
Jennifer and Michelle advise students to take applications seriously. This is how colleges know who you are and what you can offer them.
Take college applications seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Martin says why parents should let their children go away to college, especially on full scholarships. Martin, a presidential scholar at Villanova, is the first in his family to go to college. Martin grew up in Southern California and his family supported his college dreams that have taken him across the country (for free) and even to Rome. His younger brother goes to school in Michigan.
Part II-Four Years They’ll Never Get Back-Let your child go ...
Martin advises parents to let their children go away. Let them grow and become mature adults and make your family stronger. College is four years they can never get back. Martin should know. He is the first in his family to go to college and he has a presidential scholarship to Villanova-3000 miles away but he is never far from his family in spirit or support.
Part I-Four Years They’ll Never Get Back-Let your child go ...
Williams spent months on his college application essays. They worked, and he got a full ride to Boston College and thousands of dollars in scholarships. He focused on what made him an individual. You can do the same even if you only have a few days to write your essays.
Focus on individuality. Williams’ College Essay Approach
Johanna made sure to let colleges know she has surmounted major challenges to make it to college. She spent significant time writing her essays. She told powerful stories to help convince major top colleges to accept her.