
We hope you had a happy and healthy winter vacation. High school seniors are entering the final semester of their secondary education. Rather than slide into graduation, they need to keep up the great work. Here are some January tips.

January 2016 College Readiness Tips For Seniors

I know it’s bittersweet to get deferred from your Early Decision or Early Action college! But you didn’t get rejected. They just want to look at you in the regular admission pool. Your chances of ultimately getting accepting are somewhat less than regular admissions, but you still have a chance. […]

Deferred Not Defeated

Happy September. Here are 10 tips to help all students prepare for college application season. Apply for free trips to colleges this fall. Now is the time for diverse high school seniors to visit many colleges for free. Deadlines are now through October for visits to more than 65 four-year […]

2015 September College Readiness Tips