Yearly Archives: 2014

Dozens of colleges offer free visits to their campuses this fall for diverse seniors. Here is the current list, which we update weekly. If you know any additions or changes, please let let us. In the meantime, let's help the class of 2015 visit awesome colleges this fall.

2014 Diversity College Weekends: Free Fall Visits for Rising Seniors

Congratulations for making it this far in the college admissions process. You will most likely have many good colleges options already or on the way, but if you really want to go to a college that waitlisted you, follow as many of these 10 tips as possible. Do not do this for a school you will not attend if you get off the waitlist. Colleges often take kids off waitlists who can afford to pay outright, have special connections, fulfill regional needs, or make a spectacular case. Remember, spots only open if the college has available spaces, and colleges are keeping longer waitlists than ever.

Don’t Wait to Get Off a College Waitlist