High School Seniors

Congratulations for making it this far. You most likely have other good options, but if you really want to go to a college that place you on its waitlist, follow as many of these 10 tips as possible. Do not do this for a school you will not attend. Colleges often take kids off waitlists often who can afford to pay outright, have special connections, fulfill regional needs, or make a spectacular case. Remember, spots only open if the college has available spaces.

Ten Tips to Get Off A Waitlist (or Deferral List)

I know it’s bittersweet to get deferred from your Early Decision or Action college! But you didn’t get rejected. They just want to look at you in the regular admission pool. Your chances of ultimately getting accepting are somewhat less than regular admissions, but you still have a chance. Here are some tips to help you make it through the holidays and through the beginning of the new year.

Deferral Advice

Martin says why parents should let their children go away to college, especially on full scholarships. Martin, a presidential scholar at Villanova, is the first in his family to go to college. Martin grew up in Southern California and his family supported his college dreams that have taken him across the country (for free) and even to Rome. His younger brother goes to school in Michigan.

Part II-Four Years They’ll Never Get Back-Let your child go ...