The University of California received a record number of applications this year. Each campus admits its own class and notifies students separately. Here are the dates for the students planning to enter as freshmen and transfers for the fall of 2013. We follow with info on the complex waitlist and appeal processes.
This is a time of agonized waiting for many high school seniors. They have submitted their college applications and supporting materials. Now their fate lies in the hands of admissions officers who are busily reading through applications. During this often agonized waiting game, students, families, and schools can use this time wisely. Here are some tips.
Surviving the Waiting Game: Proactive Winter Tips for High ...
The new year is quickly passing. Here are our February-March college readiness tips. It's time for college visits and more.
February-March College Readiness Plans
Transfer applicants must write powerful essays to get into the colleges of their choice. While colleges still want diverse students, they also want transfer students who have found and explored academic passions, been active on and off campus, and met transfer admissions requirements. Therefore, long transfer essays are much less creative than freshman essays, yet even more powerful tools for admission to desired colleges.
Write Powerful Transfer Essays
So students need to take freshman year as seriously as possible. Depressed freshmen are not powerful transfer candidates, and in fact, when students get more engaged on campus, they end up wanting to stay at their original college.
Turning Freshman Blues Around
Happy holidays. December goes by so quickly, so please help kids with their college and scholarship applications. There is still so much we can do to help these amazing kids.Here are ten college access tips to get you through the rest of 2012.