Meet your match college at a college fair!!! They want diverse students so go and tell your story. Make new contacts!!!
Monthly Archives: October 2010
Great advice for honesty in UC essays. Adrianna, the first in her family to go away to college, talks about her UC essays.
Adrianna: What I Wrote About In My UC Essays
Michelle and Jennifer-both first generation college goers and Latinas, share why it's great to live in dorms and how they convinced their families to let them go away to college. They both attend UC Riverside and graduated from La Puente High School.
Michelle and Jennifer-Why It’s Great to Go Away to College
Johanna wants all high school juniors and seniors to take the SAT and other tests seriously. You can get fee waivers to take them twice---each test--SAT, ACT, and Subject Tests....for free.
Johanna: Video Tips–Take SATs seriously. You can take them for ...
This is college interview season. College interviews are great opportunities for personable students to show off, help make you three dimensional to a college, and demonstrate your strong interest in a campus. So please read these tips and prepare.
Ten Tips for Successful College Interviews
Williams' knows: He applied to colleges and scholarships his senior year and paid for his entire college education!!!